
Other Part-time Scientist


发布人:韩东庆 发布时间:2021-01-07 浏览次数:745














中国海洋大学, 地质学,理学学士学位,中国青岛,2009.06

中国科学院海洋研究所, 海洋地质,理学硕士学位,中国青岛,2012.06

中国海洋大学, 海洋地质,理学博士学位,中国青岛,2015.06







l 主要学术领域








l 主要论文和论著目录

[1]Zhao Shujuan, Li Sanzhong, Cao Huahua, Li Xiyao, Liu Xin, Yu Shengyao, Guo Xiaoyu. 2020. A missing link of the Proto-Tethys Ocean between the Qinling and Qilian orogens, China: Insights from geochronology and structural geology. Geoscience Frontiers, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2020.05.009.

[2]Zhao Shujuan, Li Sanzhong, Li Xiyao, Somerville Ian, Cao Huahua, Liu Xin, Wang Pengcheng. 2017. Orogen and its implications for the evolution of the Proto-Tethys Ocean. Geological Journal, 52: 202-214.

[3]Zhao Shujuan, LiSanzhong, Liu Xin, SantoshM., Somerville I.D., CaoHuahua, Yu Shan, ZhangZhen, GuoLingli.2015. The northern boundary of the Proto-Tethys Ocean: Constraints from structural analysis and U-Pb zircon geochronology of the North Qinling Terrane. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113:560-574.

[4]Zhao Shujuan, Li Sanzhong, Liu Xin, Suo Yanhui, Dai Liming, Lou Da, Sun Wenjun, Li Tao, Wang Xuebin, Yang Zhao. Intracontinental Orogenic Transition: Insights from Structures of the Eastern Junggar Basin between the Altay and Tianshan Orogens. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2014, 88: 137-148.

[5]淑娟, 三忠, 珊, 玺瑶, 花花, 鑫, . 2016. 亚原特提斯洋(III:秦岭韧性剪切带构造特征. 岩石学报, 32: 2645-2655.

[6], 三忠, 艳慧, 玲莉, 戴黎明, 素华, 刚. 海盆地构造特征及形成机制. 2017. 学前缘(中国地质大学(北京);北京大学), 24(4): 239-248.

[7]赵淑娟, 李三忠, 刘鑫, 楼达, 索艳慧, 戴黎明, 孙文军, 李涛, 王学斌, 杨朝. 2014. 准噶尔盆地东缘构造:阿尔泰与北天山造山带交接转换的陆内过程. 中国科学:地球科学, 44 (10): 2130-2141

[8]赵淑娟, 吴时国, 施和生, 董冬冬, 陈端新, 王莹.2012. 南海北部东沙运动的构造特征及动力学机制探讨. 地球物理学进展, 27(3): 1008-1019.

[9]Li Sanzhong, Zhao Shujuan, Liu Xin, Cao Huahua, Yu Shan, Li Xiyao, Somerville Ian, Yu Shengyao, Suo Yanhui. 2018. Closure of the Proto-Tethys Ocean and Early Paleozoic amalgamation of microcontinental blocks in East Asia. Earth-Science Reviews, 186: 37-75.

[10]Li Sanzhong, Jahn Bor-Ming, Zhao Shujuan, Dai Liming, Li Xiyao, Suo Yanhui, Guo Lingli, Wang Yongming, Liu Xiaochun, Lan Haoyuan, Zhou Zaizheng, Zheng Qiliang, Wang Pengcheng. 2017. Triassic southeastward subduction of North China Block to South China Block: Insights from new geological, geophysical and geochemical data. Earth-Science Reviews, 166: 270-285.

[11]Cao Huahua, Li Sanzhong, Zhao Shujuan, Yu Shan, Li Xiyao, Somerville Ian. 2016.Detrital zircon geochronology of Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the North Qinling Orogenic Belt: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Kuanping Ocean. Precambrian Research, 279: 1-16.

[12]Cao Huahua, Li Sanzhong, Zhao Shujuan, Wang Pengcheng, Somerville I., Wang Qian, 2017. Precambrian tectonic affinity of the North Qinling Microcontinent: Constraints from the discovery of Mesoproterozoic magmatic zircons in the Qinling Group. Geological Journal 52, 142-154.

[13]Yu Shan, Li Sanzhong, Zhao Shujuan, Cao Huahua, Suo Yanhui. 2015.Long history of a Grenville orogen relic-The North Qinling terrane: Evolution of the Qinling orogenic belt from Rodinia to Gondwana. Precambrian Research, 271: 98-117.

[14]Suo Yanhui, Li Sanzhong, Zhao Shujuan, Somerville I.D., Yu Shan, Dai Liming, Xu Liqing, Cao Xianzhi, Wang Pengcheng.2015. Continental margin basins in East Asia: tectonic implications of the Meso-Cenozoic East China Sea pull-apart basins. Geological Journal, 50: 139-156.

[15]Guo Lingli, Li Sanzhong, Zhao Shujuan, Zhang Guangxue, Suo Yanhui, Liu Hong, Hui Gege, Fu Shaoying, Dai Liming, Cao Huahua, Li Xiyao, Wang Pengcheng, Wang Qian. 2016. Final breakup of continental block and opening of oceanic lithosphere: insights from deep crustal structure and tectonic evolution of ocean-continent transition zone in the northern South China Sea. Geological Journal, 51: 318-330.

[16]Wu Shiguo, Gao Jinwei, Zhao Shujuan, Thomas Ludmann, Chen Duanxin, George Spence. 2014. Post-rift uplift and focused fluid flow in the passive margin of northern South China Sea. Tectonophysics, 615-616: 27-39.

[17]Liu Xiaoguang, Li Sanzhong, Li Xiyao, Zhao Shujuan, Wang Tongshan, Yu Shengyao,Dai Liming, Zhou Zaizheng, Guo Runhua. 2018. Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology and provenance of the SanxiatianFormation (Huade Group) in the North China Craton: Implications for the breakup of the Columbia supercontinent. Precambrian Research, 310:305–319.

[18]Li Xiyao, Li Sanzhong, Yu Shengyao, M. Santosh, Zhao Shujuan, Guo Xiaoyu,Cao Huahua, Wang Yongming, Huang Zengbao. 2018.Early Paleozoic arc–back-arc system in the southeastern margin of the North Qilian Orogen, China: constraints from geochronology, and wholerock elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic geochemistry of volcanic suites. Gondwana Research, 59: 9-26,

[19]Liu Xiaoguang, Li Sanzhong, Zhang Jian, Li Xiyao, Zhao Shujuan, Dai Liming, Wang Guangzeng. 2019. Meso-Neoproterozoic strata and target source rocks in the North China Craton: A review. Precambrian Research, 334: 105458.

[20]Wang Guangzeng, Li Sanzhong, Li Xiyao, Zhao Wenzhi, Zhao Shujuan, Suo Yanhui, Liu Xiaoguang, Somerville Ian, Liu Yiming, Zhou Jie, Wang Zecheng. 2019. Destruction effect on Meso-Neoproterozoic oil-gas traps derived from Meso-Cenozoic deformation in the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 333: 105427.

[21]Song Mingchun, Li Sanzhong, Santosh M., Zhao Shujuan, Yu Shan, Yi Peihou, Cui Shuxue, Lv Guxian, Xu junxiang, Song Yingxin, Zhou Mingling. 2015.Types, characteristics and metallogenesis of gold deposits in the Jiaodong Peninsula, Eastern North China Craton. Ore Geology Reviews, 65: 612-625.

[22]Mu Dunling, Li Sanzhong, WangQian, Somerville Ian, Wang Yuhua,Zhao Shujuan, Li Xiyao, Yu Shengyao, Suo Yanhui. 2018. Early Paleozoic Orocline in the Central China Orogen. Gondwana Research, 63:85–104.

[23]Zhang Zhen, Li Sanzhong, Cao Huahua, Somerville I.D., Zhao Shujuan, Yu Shan. 2015. Origin of the North Qinling Microcontinent and Proterozoicgeotectonic evolution of the Kuanping Ocean, Central China. Precambrian Research, 266: 179-193.

[24]Chen Duanxin, Wu Shiguo, David Völker, Dong Dongdong, Shi Hesheng, Zhao Shujuan, Zhu Lichun. 2015. Tectonically induced, deep-burial paleo-collapses in the Zhujiang Miocene carbonate platform in the northern South China Sea. Marine Geology, 364: 43-42.

[25] Guo Xiaoyu, Gao Rui, Li Sanzhong, Xu Xiao, Huang Xingfu, Wang Haiyan, Li Wenhui, Zhao Shujuan, Li Xiyao. 2016. Lithospheric architecture and deformation of NE Tibet: New insights on the interplay of regional tectonic processes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 449, 89-95.

[26]三忠, 淑娟, 李玺瑶, 花花, 鑫, 晓玉, 文交, 绍聪, 臻, 宗会, 胜尧, 浩圆. 2016. 亚原特提斯洋(I:南北边界和俯冲极性. 岩石学报, 32: 2609-2627.

[27]三忠, 淑娟, 珊, 花花, 李玺瑶, 鑫, 晓玉, 文交, 绍聪, 臻, 宗会, 胜尧, 张剑, 浩圆. 2016. 亚原特提斯洋(II:古生代微陆块缘性与聚合. 岩石学报, 32: 2628-2644.

[28]李三忠,赵淑娟,刘鑫,索艳慧,曹花花,戴黎明,郭玲莉,刘博,余珊,张国伟. 2014.洋-陆转换与耦合过程,中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 44:113-133.

[29]王鹏程, 赵淑娟, 李三忠, 余珊, 刘鑫, 许立青, 曹现志, 刘博. 2015. 岩石学报.长江中下游南部逆冲变形样式及其机制. 31: 230-244.

[30]孙文军, 赵淑娟, 李三忠, 索艳慧, 刘鑫, 楼达, 余珊, 杨朝, 王学斌, 李涛. 2014. 准噶尔盆地东部中生代构造迁移规律. 大地构造与成矿学, 38(1): 52-61.

[31]王学斌, 赵淑娟, 李三忠, 刘鑫, 索艳慧, 李涛, 孙文军, 余珊, 许立青. 2014. 准噶尔盆地东北缘乌伦古坳陷中生代逆冲推覆构造. 大地构造与成矿学, 38(1): 62-70.

[32]李涛,赵淑娟,李三忠,余珊,楼达,索艳慧,王学斌,孙文军,杨朝,戴黎明. 2015.准噶尔盆地东北部逆冲推覆构造特征.地质论评,61(2): 356-366.

[33]杨朝,赵淑娟,李三忠,余珊,孙文军,许立青,刘鑫,楼达,王学斌,李涛.2015. 准噶尔盆地东北缘乌伦古坳陷油气成藏的构造制约. 地质科学,50(2): 536-552.

[34]李三忠,余珊,赵淑娟,张国伟,刘鑫,曹花花,许立青,戴黎明,李涛. 2015.超大陆旋回与全球板块重建趋势. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,35(1): 51-60.

[35]李三忠,余珊,赵淑娟,张国伟,刘鑫,曹花花,许立青,戴黎明,李涛. 2014.超大陆与全球板块重建派别. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,34(6): 97-117.