




· 学习经历

University of St Andrews, Geology, 短期访问,合作导师 Peter A Cawood,Scotland,UK,2013.11-2014.03
University of St Andrews, Geology,联合培养,合作导师 Peter A Cawood,Scotland,UK,2014.07-2015.01

· 工作简历

2018.01-至今, 中国海洋大学,海洋地球科学学院副教授
2018.03-2018.04,澳大利亚莫纳什大学,合作者 Peter A Cawood

· 现今学术兼职

2016-至今,《Geological Journal》,审稿人
2016-至今,《Journal of Ocean University of China》,审稿人


· 学科方向


· 应用研究


· 近期研究兴趣



[1]Liu Xiaohang; Hu Lisha; Wu Xiao; Wang Yueming; Xu Jingping*; Evolution of the mud patch in the north Yellow Sea and its response to climate change in the past 160 years, Anthropocene Coasts, 2019, 2: 193-208.
[2]李梦君, 毕乃双, 胡丽沙, 刘晓航, 徐景平*. 2019. 海北部台湾峡谷“蛟龙号”第140潜次沉积物特征及其沉积过程指示意义. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 04: 23-33.
[3] Hu Lisha, Cawood Peter A, Du Yuansheng, Xu Yajun, Wang Chenghao, Wang Zhiwen, Ma Qianli, Xu Xinran. 2017. Permo-Triassic Detrital records of South China and implications for the Indosinian events in East Asia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology, 485: 84-100
[4] Hu Lisha, Du Yuansheng, Xu Yajun, Wang Zhiwen, Wang Chenghao. New Zircon U-Pb Age of Late Devonian Tuff in Guangxi, South China and the Significance for thePaleo-Tethys Branch Ocean. 2018. ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA (English Edition), 92(1):
[5] Hu Lisha, Cawood Peter A, Du Yuansheng, Yang Jianghai, Jiao Liangxuan. 2015. Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic provenance record of Paleo-Pacific subduction beneath South China. Tectonics, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2014TC003803
[6] Hu Lisha, Cawood Peter A, Du Yuansheng, XuYajun, XuWangchun, Huang Hongwei. 2015. Detrital records for Upper Permian-Lower Triassic succession in the Shiwandashan Basin, South China and implication for Permo-Triassic (Indosinian) orogeny. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 98: 152-166.
[7] Hu Lisha, Du Yuansheng, Cawood Peter A, XuYajun, Yu Wenchao, Zhu Yanhui. 2014.Drivers for late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic orogenesis in South China: constraints fromthe sedimentary record.Tectonophysics, 618: 107-121
[8]胡丽沙,徐亚军,杜远生,黄宏伟,徐旺春,邝国敦. 2014. 钦防海槽晚古生代硅质岩地球化学特征及其地质意义. 古地理学报,16(1): 77-88.
[9]胡丽沙,杜远生,杨江海,黄虎,黄宏伟,黄志强. 2012. 广西那龙地区中三叠世火山岩地球化学特征及构造意义. 地质论评,58(3): 481-494.
[10]XuYajun, Cawood Peter A, Du Yuansheng, Hu Lisha, Yu Wenchao, Zhu Yanhui, Li Wenchao. 2013. Linking South China to northern Australia and India on the margin of Gondwana: Constraints from detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopes in Cambrian strata. Tectonics, DOI: 10.1002/tect.20099.
[11] Huang Hu , Du Yuansheng, Yang Jianghai, Zhou Lian, Hu Lisha, Huang Hongwei, Huang Zhiqiang. 2014. Origin of Permian basalts and clastic rocks in Napo, Southwest China: Implications for the erosion and eruption of the Emeishan large igneous province. Lithos, 208-209: 324-338.
[12]Yang Jianghai, Cawood Peter A, Du Yuansheng, Huang Hu, Hu Lisha. 2013. A sedimentary archive of tectonic switching from Emeishan Plume to Indosinianorogenic sources in SW China. Journal of the Geological Society, 171: 269-280.
[13] XuYaJun, Du Yuansheng, Huang Hongwei, Huang Zhiqiang, Hu Lisha, Zhu Yanhui, Yu Wenchao. 2012. Detrital zircon of 4.1 Ga in South China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57: 4356-4362.
[14]Yang Jianghai, Cawood Peter A, Du Yuansheng, Huang Hu, Hu Lisha. 2012. Detrital record of Indosinian mountain building in SW China: Provenance of the Middle Triassic turbidites in the Youjiang Basin, Tectonophysics, 574-575:105-117.
[15]Huang Hu, Du Yuansheng, Yang Jianghai, Huang Hongwei, XieChunxia, Hu Lisha. 2014. Depositional chemistry of chert during late Paleozoic from western Guangxi and its implication for the tectonic evolution of the YoujiangBasin.Science China Earth Sciences, 56(3): 479-493.
[16]黄虎,杜远生,杨江海,陶平,黄宏伟,黄志强,谢春霞,胡丽沙. 2012.水城-紫云-南丹裂陷盆地晚古生代硅质沉积物地球化学特征及其地质意义. 地质学报, 86(10): 1994-2010.
[17]黄虎,杨江海,杜远生,黄宏伟,黄志强,谢春霞,胡丽沙. 2012. 右江盆地上二叠统-中三叠统凝灰岩年龄及其地质意义. 地球科学-中国地质大学学报, 37(1): 125-138
[18]黄虎,杜远生,黄志强,杨江海,黄宏伟,谢春霞,胡丽沙. 2013.桂西晚古生代硅质岩地球化学特征及其对右江盆地构造演化的启示. 中国科学:地球科学, 43(2): 304-316