




· 学习经历

长春地质学院(现吉林大学), 地质学理学学士学位,中国长春,1990.07
长春地质学院, 构造地质硕士学位,中国长春,1993.07
长春地质学院, 理学博士学位,中国长春,1996.06

· 工作简历

1996.09-1998.10,西北大学, 地质学博士后流动站博士后,中国西安
2002.11-2003.01,香港大学,访问学者,合作者G.C.Zhao院士,M. Sun
2004.03-2004.06,香港大学,访问学者,合作者G.C.Zhao院士,M. Sun
2006.04-2007.04,德国基尔大学和莱布尼兹海洋研究所,访问学者,合作者Heidrun Kopp
2009.09-2009.11,美国德州农工大学,IODP太平洋324航次构造专家,合作者 William W. Sager
2010.04-2010.05,美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所和麻省理工学院,访问学者,合作者 Jian Lin
2012.09,台湾大学,访问学者,合作者Bor-ming Jahn院士
2013.09-2013.11,澳大利亚悉尼大学,访问学者,合作者Dietmar Mueller院士
2014.08,马来西亚马来亚大学,访问学者,合作者 Masatoshi Sone
2017.09-11, 澳大利亚昆士兰大学,高级访问学者,合作者Janathson Aitchison

· 现今学术兼职

2021-至今,《Geosystems and Geoenvironment》,共同主编/创刊人
2014-2018,《Science Bulletin》,副主编
2017-至今,《Geoscience Frontiers》,副主编
2013-2017,《Precambrian Research》,编委
2014-至今,《Geological Journal》,编委
2019-至今,《Acta Geologica Sinica》,编委
2019-至今,《China Geology》,编委
2019-至今,《Journal of Ocean University of China》,常务副主编
《Earth-Science Reviews》1部专辑客座编辑
《Gondwana Research》2部专辑客座编辑
《Journal of Asian Earth Sciences》6部专辑客座编辑
《Geological Journal》5部专辑客座编辑
2014年4月全国构造地质与地球动力学学术研讨会,大会秘书长 2015年3月“西太平洋洋陆过渡带壳幔-海洋系统、过程与动力学”高端论坛,大会秘书长
《Plos One》、《Earth-Science Reviews》、《Geology》、《Gondwana Research》、《Precambrian Research》、《American Journal of Sciences》、《AAPG》、《GSA Bulletin》、《Tectonics》、《Geoscience Frontiers》、《Lithos》、《Sedimentary Geology》、《Chemical Geology》、《Journal of Asian Earth Sciences》、《International Geology Reviews》、《Ore Geology Reviews》、《Journal of Structural Geology》、《Journal of Geological Society, Lundon》、《International Journal of Earth Sciences》、《Tectonophysics》、《Geological Magzine》、《Geological Journal》、《Interpretation》、《Marine and Petroleum Geology》、《中国科学》、《地球物理学报》、《科学通报》、《岩石学报》、《地质学报》、《地球科学》、《石油学报》、《地质论评》、《海洋地质与第四纪地质》、《地质科学》、《大地构造学与成矿》、《吉林大学学报-地球科学版》、《石油大学学报》、《中国海洋大学学报》、《海洋科学》等,特约评阅人和审稿专家

· 国家和省部级荣誉



· 授权国家专利

[1]李三忠, 金宠, 黄铭. 数字式地质罗盘. 国家发明专利,专利号:ZL200710188556.8, 授权公告日: 2010.06.09.
[2]金宠, 李三忠, 黄铭. 一体式数字式地质罗盘. 国家发明专利,授权号:ZL 200810232006.6, 授权公告日:2010.10.17.
[3]殷学博, 曾志刚, 李三忠,王晓媛,防腐型高压反应釜. 国家实用新型发明专利,专利号:ZL 2012 2 0043719.X,授权公告日:2012.09.19.
[4]殷学博, 曾志刚, 李三忠, 王晓媛. 一种防腐型高压反应釜. 国家发明专利,申请号:ZL201210029648.2,授权公告日:2015.05.13.
[5]殷学博, 曾志刚, 李三忠,王晓媛,卡口快速扣合防腐高效消解罐. 国家实用新型发明专利,专利号:ZL201220612911.6,授权公告日:2013.08.14.
[6]殷学博, 曾志刚, 李三忠, 王晓媛. 一种卡口快速扣合防腐高效消解罐. 国家发明专利,专利号:201210469949.7,申请日:2012.11.20. (尚未授权)
[7]郭玲莉,李三忠,索艳慧,惠格格,戴黎明. 天然气水合物分解引起的海底滑坡模拟及观测系统, 国家实用新型发明专利, 专利号:ZL201420167305.7,授权公告日:2014.08.13.
[8]郭玲莉,李三忠,索艳慧,惠格格,戴黎明. 天然气水合物分解引起的海底滑坡模拟及观测系统. 国家发明专利,专利号:ZL201410139109.3,授权公告日:2016.01.13.
[9]于胜尧,李三忠,彭银彪,姚勇. 国家实用新型发明专利“一种适用不同直径岩芯的岩芯箱”,专利号:ZL201921078180.X,授权公告日:2020.03.10
[10]于胜尧,李三忠,彭银彪,姚勇. 国家实用新型发明专利“防进沙土的地质体线理产状测量模块地质罗盘”专利号:ZL201921078366.5,授权公告日:2019.12.24
[11]王珊珊,黄铭, 金宠, 李三忠. 数字式液浮磁罗盘及其测量姿态角的方法,国家发明专利,专利号:ZL2013101237274, 授权公告日:2016.03.30.
[12]董昊,戴黎明,李三忠,马芳芳,陶建丽,胡梦颖. 基于并行计算机的地球动力数模算法. 国家发明专利,专利号:201711407088.9,申请日:2017.12.22.

· 国家级出版社出版的重要专著

[11]2022年,李三忠,李玺瑶 刘 博 郭玲莉 姜兆霞 于志刚 刘泽栋 赵彦彦 索艳慧,等编著,《洋底动力学》系统篇,北京:科学出版社.

· 国家级和省部级奖

[1]2014年获国家自然科学奖二等奖(赵国春、孙敏、李三忠),获奖项目:华北克拉通早元古代拼合与Columbia 超大陆形成
[5]2018年获国土资源部科学技术奖二等奖(刘永江、任收麦、葛肖虹、尹成明、李伟民、王亚东、李三忠、袁四化、孙知明、裴军令、刘志宏、李 伟、梁琛岳、温泉波、赵英利),获奖项目:柴达木盆地与周缘地质构造演化重大进展与油气勘查应用

· 主持的重要科研项目

1)国家自然科学基金创新群体项目, 海底古地貌动态重建(42121005,2022.01-2027.12),项目主持人
2)国家自然科学基金重大计划重点项目, 台湾岛弧及邻区新生代古地形地貌数值模拟与动态重塑(91958214,2020.01-2023.12),项目主持人
3)山东省泰山学者攀登计划, 微板块-微循环动力过程及资环效应(tspd20210305,2021.01-2026.12),项目主持人
4)山东省泰山学者特聘教授计划, 洋底动力过程及资源灾害效应(tstp20150305,2015.01-2020.12),项目主持人
5)国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目, 构造地质学人才项目(41325009,2014.01-2017.12),项目主持人
11)中海石油(中国)有限公司深圳分公司重点项目, 阳江-一统暗沙隐伏断裂带构造特征及其控盆控藏作用研究(CCL2020SZPS0130,2020.01-2021.12),项目主持人
15)国际综合大洋钻探计划(IODP)项目, Normal Faulting, Timing and Numerical Modeling of Ocean Plateau Formation at Shatsky Rise(2009.09-2013.09),任IODP324航次构造组组长
17)中国石油天然气股份有限公司大港油田公司,歧口凹陷构造演化与控藏作用研究(DGYT-2010-JS-461,2010.08 -2011.03),项目主持人
18)中海石油(中国)有限公司上海分公司重点项目,西湖凹陷中北部反转构造特征及其对大中型油气田的控制(CCL2014SHPS0032EXP, 2014.07-2015.12),项目主持人
19)国家海洋局重大专项,亚洲大陆边缘的深部过程及动力学机制(GASI-GEOGE-01, 2015.01-2019.12),子课题负责人
20)青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室“鳌山卓越科学家计划”项目,西太平洋构造过程及多种能源与灾害效应(2015ASTP-0S10, 2015.01-2017.01),项目主持人


· 学科方向


· 研究方向



· 论文收录情况


· 引用情况

所发表论文他引总次数约为16000多次, 2021年个人ESI的H指数为61。

· 国际排名情况

入选ESI全球TOP 1%地球科学家名录,2015、2016年度入选汤森路透全球高被引科学家名录(地球科学全国12位之一)。

· 代表性文章列举如下

[1]Li,S.Z., Jahn, B.M., Zhao, S.J., Dai, L.M., Li, X.Y., Suo, Y.H., Guo, L.L., Wang, Y.M., Liu, X.C., Lan, H.Y., Zhou, Z.Z., Zheng, Q.L., Wang, P.C.. 2017. Triassic southeastward subduction of North China Block to South China Block: insights from new geological, geophysical and geochemical data. Earth-Science Reviews(2021年影响因子超过12),166:270-285.
[2]Li,S.Z., Suo, Y.H., Li, X.Y., Liu, B., Dai L.M., Wang, G.Z., Wang, G., Zhou, J., Li, Y., Liu, Y.M., Cao, X.Z., Somerville, I., Mu, D.L. Zhao, S.J., Liu, J.P., Zhen, L.B., Zhao, L.T., Zhu, J.J., Yu, S.Y., Liu, Y.J., Zhang, G.W.. 2018. Microplate Tectonics:new insights from micro-blocks in the global oceans, continental margins and deep mantle. Earth-Science Reviews, 185: 1029-1064.
[3]Li,S.Z., Zhao,S.J., Liu, X., Cao, H.H., Yu, S., Li, X.Y., Somerville, I., Yu, S.Y., Suo, Y.H.. 2018. Closure of the Proto-Tethys Ocean and Early Paleozoic amalgamation of microcontinental blocks in East Asia. Earth-Science Reviews, 186: 37-75.
[4]Li,S.Z., Suo, Y.H., Li, X.Y., Zhou, J., Santosh, M., Wang, P.C., Wang, G.Z., Guo, L.L., Yu, S.Y., Lan, H.Y., Dai, L.M., Zhou, Z.Z., Cao, X.Z., Zhu, J.J., Liu, B., Jiang, S.H., Wang, G., Zhang, G.W.. 2019. Mesozoic tectono-magmatic evolution in the East Asian ocean-continent connection zone and its relationship with Paleo-Pacific Plate subduction. Earth-Science Reviews, 192: 91-137.
[5]Li, S.Z., Li, X.Y., Wang, G.Z., Liu, Y.M., Wang, ZC., Wang, T.S., Cao, X.Z.,Guo, X.Y., Somerville, I., Li, Y., Zhou, J., Dai, L.M., Jiang, S.H., Zhao, H., Wang, Y., Wang, G., Yu, S., 2019. Global Meso-Neoproterozoic plate reconstruction and formation mechanism for Precambrian basins: Constraints from three cratons in China. Earth-Science Reviews, 198:102946.
[6]Li, S.Z., Dong, Y.P., Chen, H.L.. 2021. Meso-Neoproterozoic proto-basins and oil–gas resources in China: Preface. Precambrian Research, 360: 106221 (SCI).
[7]Li, S.Z., Santosh, M., Liu, Y.J., Yu, S.Y.. 2022. Tectonic evolution of ocean-continent connection zones: Preface. Gondwana Research, XX: XXXX (SCI).
[8]Li, S.Z., Hu, J.M., Shi, W., Rao, G.. 2020. Active tectonics and change of paleo-environment in East China: Preface. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 191: 104202 (SCI) (corresponding author).
[9]Jiang, Z.X., Li, S.Z., Liu, Q.S., Zhang, J.L., Zhou, Z.Z., Zhang, Y.Z.. 2021. The trials and tribulations of the Hawaii hot spot model. Earth-Science Reviews, 215: 103544 (SCI).
[10]Zhong, S.H., Li, S.Z., Feng, C.Y., Liu, Y.J., Santosh, M., He, S.Y., Qu, H.Y., Liu, G.Y., Reimar, S., Lai, Z.Q., Wang, X.H., Song, Y.X., Zhou, J.. 2021. Porphyry copper and skarn fertility of the northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau collisional granitoids. Earth-Science Reviews, 214: 103524 (SCI) (corresponding author).
[11]Wang, P.C., Li, S.Z., Suo, Y.H., Guo, L.L., Santosh, M., Li, X.Y., Wang, G.Z., Jiang, Z.X., Liu, B., Zhou, J., Jiang, S.H., Cao, X.Z., Liu, Z.. 2021. Structural and kinematic analysis of Cenozoic rift basins in South China Sea: A synthesis. Earth-Science Reviews, 216: 103522 (SCI) (corresponding author).
[12]Dai, L.M., Li, S.Z., Liu, Z., Hu, M.Y., Ma, F.F., Tao, J.L.. 2018. Dynamic process and mechanism for post-orogenic extension in the West Dabie Orogen. Earth-Science Reviews, 182: 68-84(通讯作者)
[13]Suo, Y.H., Li, S.Z., Jin, C., Zhang, Y., Zhou, J., Li, X.Y., Wang, P.C., Liu, Z., Wang, XY., Somerville, I., 2019. Eastward tectonic migration and transition of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Andean-type continental margin along Southeast China. Earth-Science Reviews,196, 102884(通讯作者)
[14]Liu, Y.M., Li, S.Z., Santosh, M., Cao, H.H., Yu, S.Y., Wang, Y.H., Zhou, J., Zhou, Z.Z., 2019. The generation and reworking of continental crust during early Paleozoic in Gondwanan affinity terranes from the Tibet Plateau. Earth-Science Reviews, 190, 486-497(通讯作者).
[15]Yu, S.Y., Li, S.Z., Zhang, J.X., Peng, Y.B., Somerville, I., Liu, Y.J., Wang, Z.Y., Li, Z.F., Yao, Y., Li, Y., 2019. Multistage anatexis during tectonic evolution from oceanic subduction to continental collision: A review of the North Qaidam UHP Belt, NW China. Earth-Science Reviews, 191, 190-211.
[16]Peng, Y.B., Yu, S.Y., Li, S.Z., Zhang, J.X., Liu, Y.J., Li, Y.S., Santosh, M., 2019. Early Neoproterozoic magmatic imprints in the Altun-Qilian-Kunlun region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Response to the assembly and breakup of Rodinia supercontinent, Earth-Science Reviews,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.102954
[17]Zhao, G.C., Sun, M., Wilde, S.A., Li, S.Z., 2004. A paleo-mesoproterozoic supercontinent: assembly, growth and breakup. Earth-Science Reviews, 67: 91-123
[18]Zhao, G.C., Wang, Y.J., Huang, B.C., Dong, Y.P., Li, S.Z., Zhang, G.W., Yu, S., 2018. Geological reconstructions of the East Asian blocks: From the breakup of Rodinia to the assembly of Pangea. Earth-Science Reviews, 186, 262-286.
[19]Zhao, G.C., Sun, M., Wilde, S.A., Li S.Z., 2005. Late Archean to Paleoproterozoic evolution of the North China Craton: key issues revisited. Precambrian Research, 136:177-202
[20]Li, S.Z., Zhao, G.C., Santosh, M., Liu, X., Dai, L.M., Suo, Y.H., Tam, P.Y., Song, M.C., Wang, P.C.. 2012. Paleoproterozoic structural evolution of the southern segment of the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt, North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 200-203: 59-73.
[21]Li, S.Z., Zhao, G.C.. 2007. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology of the Liaoji Granitoids: constraints on the Paleoproterozoic Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt in the Eastern Block of the North China craton. Precambrian Research, 158(1-2): 1-16.
[22]Li, S.Z., Kusky, T.M., Wang, L., Zhang, G.W., Lai, S.C., Liu, X.C., Dong, S.W., Zhao, G.C.. 2007. Collision leading to multiple-stage large-scale extrusion in the Qinling orogen: insights from the Mianlue suture. Gondwana Research, 12(1-2):121-143.
[23]Li, S.Z., Kusky, T.M., Liu, X.C., Zhang, G.W., Zhao, G.C., Wang, L., Wang, Y.J.. 2009. Two-stage collision-related extrusion of the western Dabie HP-UHP metamorphic terranes, central China: evidence from quartz c-axis fabrics and microstructures. Gondwana Research, 16: 294-309 (top-Journal).
[24]Li, S.Z.,Zhao, G.C., Zhang, J., Sun, M., Zhang, G.W., Dai, L.M.. 2010. Deformation history of the Hengshan-Wutai-Fuping Mountains: Implications for the evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen. Gondwana Research, 18: 611-631.
[25]Li, S.Z., Zhao, G.C., Sun, M., Luo, Y., Han, Z.Z., Zhao, G.T.. 2006. Are the South and North Liaohe Groups different exotic terranes?—Nd isotope constraints on the Jiao-Liao-Ji Orogen.Gondwana Research, 9:198-208.
[26]Li,S.Z., Geldmacher, J., Hauff, F., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Yu, S., Zhao, S.J., Rausch, S.. 2014. Composition and timing of carbonate vein precipitation within the igneous basement of the Early Cretaceous Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific. Marine Geology, 357: 321-333.
[27]Li, S.Z., Kusky, T.M., Zhao, G.C., Liu, X.C., Zhang, G.W., Kopp, H., Wang, L.. 2010. Two-stage Triassic exhumation of HP-UHP terranes in the Dabie orogen of China: constraints from structural geology. Tectonophysics, 490: 267-293.
[28]Li, S.Z., Kusky, T.M., Zhao, G.C., Liu, X.C., Wang, L., Kopp, H., Hoernle, K., Zhang, G.W., Dai, L.M.. 2011. Thermochronological constraints on Two-stage extrusion of HP/UHP terranes in the Dabie-Sulu orogen, east-central China. Tectonophysics, 504: 25-42.
[29]Li,S.Z., Hu, J.M., Zhu, G., Lin, A.M.. 2015. Active Tectonics and Meso-Cenozoic Intraplate Deformation in North China Block: Preface.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 114(Part I): 1-4.
[30]Li,S.Z., Guo, L.L., Xu, L.Q., Somerville, I.D., Cao, X.Z., Yu, S., Wang, P.C., Suo, Y.H., Liu, X., Zhao, S.J., Cao, H.H.. 2015. Coupling and transition of Meso-Cenzoic intraplate deformation between the Taihang and the Qinling Mountains.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 114(Part I): 188-202.
[31]Li, S.Z., Zhao, G.C., Sun, M., Han, Z.Z.,Hao, D.F., Luo, Y., Xia, X.P.. 2005. Deformation history of the Paleoproterozoic Liaohe Group in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 24(5): 659-674.
[32]Li, S.Z., Zhao, G.C., Dai, L.M., Zhou, L.H., Liu, X., Suo, Y.H., Santosh, M.. 2012. Cenozoic faulting of the Bohai Bay Basin and its bearings on the destruction of the eastern North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 47: 80-93.
[33]Li, S.Z., Zhao, G.C., Dai, L.M., Liu, X., Zhou, L.H., Santosh, M., Suo, Y.H.. 2012. Mesozoic Basins in eastern China and their Bearings on the deconstruction of the North China Craton. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 47: 64-79.
[34]Li, S.Z., Santosh, M., Zhao, G.C., Zhang, G.W., Jin, C.. 2012. Intracontinental deformation in a frontier of super-convergence: A perspective on the tectonic milieu of the South China Block. Journal of Asian Earth Sciecnes, 49: 311-327.
[35]Li, S.Z., Santosh, M., Jahn, B.M.. 2012. Evolution of Asian Continent and its Continental Margins. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 47: 1-4.
[36]Li, S.Z., Zhao, G.C., Sun, M.,Wu, F.Y., Liu, J.Z., Hao, D.F., Han, Z.Z., Luo, Y.. 2004. Mesozoic, not Paleoproterozoic SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages of two Liaoji Granites, eastern block, North China craton. International Geology Review, 46(2):162-176.
[37]Li,S.Z., Suo, Y.H.,Yu, S.Y., Li, R.X., Yang, G.X., Somerville, I.D.. 2017. Central China Orogen along the Silk Road (Part I): Tectono-thermal evolution and its links. Geological Journal, 52(S1):3-7.
[38]Li,S.Z., Suo, Y.H., Yu, S.Y., Li, R.X., Yang, G.X., Somerville, I.D.. 2018. Central China Orogen along the Silk Road (Part 2): Mineral deposits, hydrocarbons, geohazards, and environments. Geological Journal, 53(S1):4-7.
[39]Li,S.Z., Suo, Y.H., Li, R.X., Yu, S.Y.,Yang, G.X., Somerville, I.D.. 2018. Tianshan Orogen along the Silk Road (Volume 3): Orogen links, geochemistry, geochronology, mineral deposits, and environments. Geological Journal, 53(S2):3-7.
[40]Li,S.Z., Suo, Y.H.,Santosh,M., Dai,L.M., Yu, S., Zhao, S.J., Jin, C.. 2013. Mesozoic to Cenozoic intracontinental dynamics of the North China Block. Geological Journal, 48(5): 543-560 .
[41]Li, S.Z., Zhao, G.C., Santosh, M., Liu, X., Dai, L.M.. 2011. Palaeoproterozoic Tectono-thermal Evolution and Deep Crustal Processes in the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt, North China craton: A Review. Geological Journal, 46: 525-543.
[42]Li, S.Z., Zhao, G.C., Zhang, G.W., Liu, X.C., Dai, L.M., Jin, C., Liu, X., Hao, Y., Liu, E.S., Wang, T.. 2010. Not All Folds and Thrusts in the Yangtze Foreland Belt are related to the Dabie-Sulu Orogen: Insights from Mesozoic Deformation South of the Yangtze River. Geological Journal, 44: 1-13.
[43]Li, S.Z., Kusky, T.M., Zhao, G.C., Wu, F.Y., Liu, J.Z., Wang, L., Sun, M., 2007. Mesozoic tectonics in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton: implications for subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian Plate. Mesozoic Sub-Continental Lithoshperic Thinning Under Eastern Asia. Edited by Mingguo Zhai,Brian F. Windley,Timothy M. Kusky and Qingren Meng. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 280: 171-180.
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