




· 学习经历


· 工作简历

2008.07-2009.12 中国科学院广州能源研究所研究实习员
2010.01-2014.12 中国科学院广州能源研究所助理研究员
2015.01-2021.05 中国科学院广州能源研究所副研究员

· 现今学术兼职

2021-至今,《Geosystems and Geoenvironment》,编委
《Chemical Geology》、《Biogeosciences》、《Organic Geochemistry》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Journal of Asian Earth Sciences》、《Marine pollution bulletin》、《Frontiers in Marine Science》、《Frontiers in Earth Science》、《Marine Environmental Research》、《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》和《中国科学》、《岩石学报》、《地质学报》、《地球化学》、《海洋地质与第四纪地质》、《热带海洋学报》和《厦门大学学报》等期刊的审稿人

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2022年 泰山学者青年专家
2021年 中国海洋大学青年英才一层次


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· 研究方向



· 论文收录情况


· 代表性文章列举如下

[1] Liu,L., Guan,H.X., Xu,L.F., Sun,Z.L., Wu,N.Y.. 2023. Formation of authigenic carbonates contributed by sulfate- and metal-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane in the northern Okinawa Trough, East China Sea. Geological Society of America Bulletin , https://doi.org/10.1130/B36400.1.
[2] Xu,L.F., Guan,H.X., Liu,L., Mao,S.Y., Feng,J.X., Su,Z., Liu,L.. 2022. Determining the double-bond positions of monounsaturated compounds in the alcohol fraction in seep carbonate. Journal of Chromatography A, 1672: 463009.
[3] Guan,H.X., Liu,L., Hu,Y., Li,S.Z., Li,N., Sun,Z.L., Wu,N.Y., Somerville,I.. 2022. Rising bottom-water temperatures induced methane release during the middle Holocene in the Okinawa Trough, East China Sea. Chemical Geology, 590: 120707.
[4] Guan,H.X., Xu,L.F, Liu,L., Li,S.Z., Feng,J.X., Tao,J., Kuang,Z.G., Liang,J.Q., Wu.N.Y.. 2022. Lipid biomarker patterns reflect seepage activity and variable geochemical processes in sediments from the Haima cold seeps, South China Sea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 586: 110742.
[5] Guan,H.X., Feng,D., Birgel,D., Kiel,S., Peckmann, J., Li,S.Z., Tao,J.. 2022. Lipid Biomarker Patterns Reflect Nutritional Strategies of Seep-Dwelling Bivalves from rom the South China Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9: 831286.
[6] Liu, L., Guan,H.X., Xu,L.F., Sun,Z.L., Wu,N.Y.. 2022. Paleoclimate Records of the Middle Okinawa Trough Since the Middle Holocene:Modulation of the Low-Latitude Climate. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10: 799280.
[7] Xu,L.F., Guan,H.X., Su,Z., Liu,L., Tao,J.. 2022. Diagenetic fate of glycerol ethers revealed by two novel isoprenoid hydroxyphytanyl glycerol monoethers and non-isoprenoid alkyl glycerol ethers. Organic Geochemistry, 163: 104344.
[8] Li,N., Feng,D., Wan,S., Peckmann,J., Guan,H.X., Wang,X.D.,Wang,H.B., Chen,D.F.. 2021. Impact of methane seepage dynamics on the abundance of benthic foraminifera in gas hydrate bearing sediments: New insights from the South China Sea.Ore Geology Reviews,136:104247.
[9] Guan,H.X., Birgel,D., Feng,D., Peckmann,Jörn., Liu,L., Tao,J.. 2021. Lipids and their δ13C values reveal carbon assimilation and cycling in the methane-seep tubeworm Paraescarpia echinospica from the South China Sea. Deep-Sea research I, 174:103556.
[10] Ling,J., Guan, H.X., Tao, J., Li, J., Dong, J.D., Zhang, S., The Diversity, Composition, and Putative Functions of Gill-Associated Bacteria of Bathymodiolin Mussel and Vesicomyid Clam from Haima Cold Seep, South China Sea. Microorganisms,8:1699; https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms8111699.
[11] Guan, H.X., Feng,D., Birgel,D., Peckmann,Jörn., Roberts, H.H., Wu, N.Y., Chen, D.F..2019.Lipid biomarker patterns reflect different formation environments of mussel- and tubeworm-dominated seep carbonates from the Gulf of Mexico (Atwater Valley and Green Canyon). Chemical Geology, 505:36-47.
[12] Guan,H.X., Sun,Z.L.,Mao,S.Y.,Xu,L.F., Cao,H.,Geng,W.,Xu,C.L., Zhang, X.R., Wu,N.Y.. 2019. Authigenic carbonate formation revealed by lipid biomarker inventory at hydrocarbon seeps: A case study from the Okinawa Trough. Marine and Petroleum Geology,101:502-511.
[13] Guan,H.X., Chen,L.Y., Luo,M., Liu,L.H., Mao,S.Y., Ge,H.M., Zhang,M., Fang, J.S., Chen,D.F.. 2019. Composition and origin of lipid biomarkers in the surface sediments from the southern Challenger Deep, Mariana Trench. Geoscience Frontiers, 10, 351-360.
[14] Wan,Z.F., Wang, X.Q., Li, Y.F., Xu, X., Sun, Y.F., Yin, Z.X., Guan, H.X.. 2019. The composition of organic matter and the geochemical significance of surface sediments in the Southwest Sub-basin of the South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 171:103-117.
[15] Guan,H.X., Wang,X.Q., Chen, D.F., Wu, N.Y., Mao, S.Y.. 2019. Lipid biomarkers and their stable carbon isotopes in ancient seep carbonates from SW Taiwan. Acta Geologica Sinica,93:167-174.
[16] Guan,H.X., Birgel,D., Peckmann,J., Liang,Q.Y., Feng,D., Yang,S.X., Liang, J.Q., Tao,J., Wu,N.Y., Chen,D.F.. 2018 Lipid biomarker patterns of authigenic carbonates reveal fluid composition and seepage intensity at Haima cold seeps, South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 168, 163-172.
[17] Guan,H.X., Feng, D., Wu, N.Y., Chen, D.F.. 2016. Methane seepage intensities traced by biomarker patterns in authigenic carbonates from the South China Sea. Organic Geochemistry, 91: 109-119.
[18] Guan,H.X., Zhang, M., Mao, S.Y., Wu, N.Y., Lu, H.F., Chen, D.F.. 2016. Methane seepage in the Shenhu area of the northern South China Sea: constraints from carbonate chimneys,Geo-Marine Letters, 36: 175-186.
[19] Guan, H.X., Sun, Y.G., Mao, S.Y., Zhu, X.W., Wu,N.Y.. 2014. Molecular and stable carbon isotopic compositions of hopanoids in seep carbonates from the South China Sea continental slope, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 92: 254-261.
[20] Guan, H.X., Sun, Y.G., Zhu, X.W., Mao, S.Y., Feng, D., Wu, N.Y., Chen, D.F.. 2013. Factors controlling the types of microbial consortia in cold-seep environments: A molecular and isotopic investigation of authigenic carbonates from the South China Sea, Chemical Geology, 354: 55-64.
[21] Guan,H.X., Feng,D., Wu, N.Y., Chen,D.F., Roberts,H.H..2010. Fatty-acids and their δ13C characteristics of seep carbonates from the northern continental slope of Gulf of Mexico, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55: 730-735.
[22] Feng,D., Qiu, J-W., Hu, Y., Peckmann, J., Guan, H.X., Tong, H.P., Chen, C., Chen, J.X., Gong, S.G., Li, N., Chen, D.. 2018. Cold seep systems in the South China Sea: An overview, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 168: 3-16.
[23] Wu, N.Y., Yang, S.X., Wang, H.B., Liang, J.Q., Gong, Y., Lu, Z., Wu, D.D., Guan, H.X.. 2009. Gas-bearing fluid influx sub-system for gas hydrate geological system in Shenhu Area, Northern South China Sea. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 52: 1641-1650.
[24] 吴一帆,管红香,许兰芳,茅晟懿,刘磊,苏正,刘丽华. 南海北部海马冷泉区表层沉积物的AOM生物标志化合物特征及意义. 2022,8: 3005-3015.
[25]刘磊,管红香,许兰芳,茅晟懿,刘丽华,陈宗恒,陶军. 南海冷泉活动区双壳中单不饱和脂肪酸双键位置的确定及其意义[J].地球化学,2021,50:294-304.
[26]许兰芳,管红香,茅晟懿,孙治雷,刘丽华,王利波,吴能友. 距今8.2 ka以来冲绳海槽中部沉积有机质特征及其对古环境变化的响应机制.地球化学,2020,49:653-665.
[27] 刘磊,管红香,冯俊熙,许兰芳,茅晟懿,刘丽华.南海北部31 ka以来GDGTs组成及其对古温度和季风变化的响应[J].海洋地质与第四纪地,2020,40:144-159.
[28] 刘磊,许兰芳,管红香,孙治雷,王利波,茅晟懿,刘丽华,吴能友. 冲绳海槽中部8.2ka以来GDGTs组成及温度重建[J]. 热带海洋学报,2020,39:77-92.
[29] 管红香,吴能友,茅晟懿,朱小畏,邬黛黛,杨胜雄.南海北部冷泉碳酸盐岩中系列藿烷酸的检出及意义。地球科学,38(5):1-9,2013。
[30] 管红香,陈多福,Roberts, H.H., 2008. 墨西哥湾GC238区冷泉碳酸盐岩的微结构与石化微生物特征,岩石学报,26: 54-60.