




· 学习经历

2012/09-2018/01,中国海洋大学,环境科学与工程学院,环境地质工程,工学博士,导师:贾永刚 教授

· 工作简历

2018/03-2021/10,中国海洋大学,海洋地球科学学院,海洋科学(海洋地质),博士后,合作导师:李广雪 教授
2019/06-2020/07,The University of Queensland,海岸工程团队,山东省博士后国际交流计划派出博后,合作导师:Prof. Peter Nielsen
2020/07-2021/07,Griffith University (Gold Coast Campus),海洋工程团队,访问学者,合作导师:Prof. Dong-Sheng Jeng
2020/05-2021/07,Queensland University of Technology,统计数学团队,合作研究,合作导师:Prof. You-Gan Wang

· 教学工作


· 学术兼职

1.《Geoenvironmental Disasters》,Editor (Asia/Pacific)
2. American Geophysical Union (AGU) ,Member
3. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) ,Member
4. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF),Member
5. Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA),Member
6. International Consortium on Geo-disaster Reduction (ICGdR),Member
7. 中国地质学会工程地质专业委员会海洋工作委员会,会员
8. 《Engineering Geology》、《Ocean Engineering》、《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》、《Physics of Fluids》、《Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence》、《Journal of Coastal Research》、《海洋地质与第四纪地质》等期刊审稿人


· 学科方向


· 研究方向


· 正在开展的研究课题

[1] 基于原位观测悬浮泥沙浓度剖面推求海床侵蚀速率
[2] 基于原位环形水槽测量海床侵蚀性
[3] 海底管道周围的海床冲刷
[4] 波浪导致的海床液化
[5] 基于大数据统计学习的海岸带地质灾害超前预警


[1] 国家自然科学基金,面上项目(42276215),海底细粒沉积物关键动力学参数的原位率定与预测模型构建,2023.01-2026.12,在研,主持
[2] 国家自然科学基金,青年项目(41807229),波致渗流对粉质土海床侵蚀影响的定量评价方法研究,2019.01-2021.12,已结题,主持
[3] 山东省博士后创新人才支持计划(2018),“波-流”联合作用下海床侵蚀性现场原位测试环形水槽装置研发,2018.05-2021.10,已结题,主持
[4] 山东省自然科学基金,博士基金项目(ZR2019BD009),波致渗流侵蚀通量测量装置研发与应用,2019.07-2022.12,已结题,主持
[5] 中国博士后科学基金,面上项目(一等资助)(2018M640656),原位沉积物柱状样分层抗侵蚀性测量装置设计与应用,2019.01-2021.10,已结题,主持
[6] 山东省非教育系统公派留学资助,博士后国际交流计划项目(201801026),Cohesive sediment transport along the China muddy coast, 2019.06-2020.06, 已结题,主持




· 代表性学术论文(发表期刊论文 37 篇,其中 SCI 收录 22 篇)

[1] Zhang S., Wu J., Wang Y. G., Jeng D. S., Li G. (2022). A physics-informed statistical learning framework for forecasting local suspended sediment concentrations in marine environment. Water Research, 218, 118518
[2] Zhang S, Zhang Y, Xu J, Guo L, Li G, Jia Y, Qiao L, Wu J, Wen M, Zhu C. (2022). In situ observations of hydro-sediment dynamics on the abandoned Diaokou lobe of the Yellow River Delta: Erosion mechanism and rate. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 277, 108065
[3] Zhang Y, Wu J, Zhang S*, Li G, Jeng D-S, Xu J, Tian Z, Xu X (2022). An optimal statistical regression model for predicting wave-induced equilibrium scour depth in sandy and silty seabeds beneath pipelines. Ocean Engineering, 258, 111709
[4] Zhang S., Nielsen P., Perrochet P., Jia Y. (2021). Multiscale superposition and decomposition of field-measured suspended sediment concentrations: implications for extending 1DV models to coastal oceans with advected fine sediments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126(3): e2020JC016474
[5] Zhang S., Nielsen P., Perrochet P., Xu B., Jia Y., Wen M. (2021). Derivation of settling velocity, eddy diffusivity and pick-up rate from field-measured suspended sediment concentration profiles in horizontally uniform but unsteady scenario. Applied Ocean Research, 107, 102485
[6] Zhang S., Wu J., Jia, Y., Wang Y., Zhang Y., Duan Q. (2021). A temporal LASSO regression model for the emergency forecasting of the suspended sediment concentrations in coastal oceans: Accuracy and interpretability. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 100, 104206
[7] Zhang S., Jia Y., Zhang Y., Shan H. (2018). Influence of seepage flows on the erodibility of fluidized silty sediments: parameterization and mechanisms. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(5): 3307-3321
[8] Zhang S, Jia Y, Zhang Y, Liu X, Shan H. (2018). In situ observations of wave pumping of sediments in the Yellow River Delta with a newly developed benthic chamber. Marine Geophysical Research, 39(4): 463-474

· 学术论著

Jia Y., Liu X., Zhang S., Shan H., Zheng J. Wave-forced sediment erosion and resuspension in the Yellow River Delta, Springer, 2020

· 代表性发明专利(授权国内外发明专利 22 项)

1.张少同,贾永刚,张雅淇,文明征,张博文,单红仙. 一种波致渗流诱发海床内部沉积物侵蚀的实验装置,2020.05.22, 中国,ZL201811335536.3
2.张少同,张雅淇,贾永刚,张皓清,代馨楠,单红仙. 一种原位沉积物柱状样分层抗侵蚀性测量装置及其方法,2020.05.22, 中国,ZL201811335519.X
3.张少同,贾永刚,张雅淇,刘晓磊,熊传芳,沈泽中,单红仙. 模拟海床渗流影响下沉积物再悬浮的环形水槽装置. 2017.12.29, 中国,ZL201710061388.X
4.贾永刚,张少同,张雅淇,郭磊,王振豪,文明征,刘晓磊, 单红仙. 海底床内部沉积物泵送再悬浮量的原位长期观测装置与方法. 2017.09.15, 中国,ZL201710061390.7
5.贾永刚,张少同,王振豪,刘晓磊,郭磊,孙永福,印萍,单红仙. 2016. 潮滩海床内部垂向泵送输运的沉积物的捕获装置及方法. 2016.04.20, 中国,ZL201410389538.6
6.Jia, Y., Tian Z., Zhang, S., Zhang, B., Wei, Z., Liu, X., Shan H. Observation system and method for re-suspension quantity of submarine sediments by deep-sea internal waves. U.S. Patent No.10,640,176[P]. Washington DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 2020-05-05.
7.Jia Y., Zhang H., Lu F., Wen M., Zhang S., Ma L. An in-situ test device and method to measure the amount of pollutants released from interior of marine sediments under wave action. Patent number: 2019100001. Innovation Patent of Australia. 2019-01-03.

· 计算机软件著作权

卢芳,贾永刚,刘文全,张少同,文明征. 地表水水质综合评价及预测系统V1.0,登记号:2017SR421834. 登记时间:2017.08.03