


E-mail 地址:ldyc411@ouc.edu.cn



· 学习经历

中国海洋大学, 勘查技术与工程工学学士学位,中国青岛,2007.07
中国海洋大学, 海洋地球物理学理学博士学位,中国青岛,2012.07

· 工作简历


· 现今学术兼职

《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》、《Journal of Earth Science》、《Frontiers in Earth Science》、《Earth Science Frontiers》、《Journal of Ocean University of China》、《中国海上油气》、《吉林大学学报》、《地球科学》等期刊审稿人

· 国家级和省部级奖


· 主持的重要科研项目

[3]国家重点研发计划,“冰下声猝发事件的标量与矢量声场特征及判别” (2018YFC1405906,2018.08-2021.12),子课题负责人
[9]国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目, 基于流体地球物理表征的新几内亚-所罗门弧俯冲起始动力学机制(91858215,2019.01-2021.12),主要参与人
[10]国家科技重大专项,深层宽频三维地震高精度采集处理技术 (2016.01-2020.12),参与人


· 学科方向


· 近期研究兴趣



· 论文 (英文)

[1]Deyong Li, Xueyuan Xu, Xiting Liu, Honggang Cheng, Shujuan Xu, Xiaodian Jiang. 2023. Grain size and geochemistry characteristics of Core S01-10 from the central Okinawa Trough since 14 ka: Indications for sediment source and the East Asian winter monsoon. Marine Geology, 460, 107053.
[2]Deyong Li, Xiting Liu, Honggang Cheng, Jie Liang, Shujuan Xu, Gang Dong, Chaoyang Li, Xiaodian Jiang. 2022. Development of submarine canyons on the continental slope of the Okinawa Trough with potential origin related to methane seepage. Ore Geology Reviews, 149, 105088.
[3]Deyong Li, Xiaodian Jiang, Wei Gong, Chaoyang Li. 2022. Tectonic uplift along the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: Constraints from the lithofacies sequence and deposition rate of the Qaidam Basin. Tectonophysics, 827, 229279.
[4]Li Deyong, Huang Yu, Jiang Xiaodian, GongWei, Wang Enjiang, Cheng Honggang. 2022. Free water input into the New Britain subduction zone in Solomon Sea estimated from Reflected seismic data. Geophysical Prospecting, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2478.13313.
[5]Li, D.Y., Chen, H.Y., Xu, S.J., Xing, J.H., Cheng, H.G., Wang, J.K. 2019. Stratigraphic sequence and sedimentary systems in the middle-southern continental slope of the East China Sea from seismic reflection data: Exploration prospects of gas hydrate. Journal of Ocean University of China, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11802-019-3845-2.
[6]Hai‑ting Zhou, De‑yong Li, Xian‑tai Liu, Yu‑shan Du, Wei Gong. 2019. Sweet spot prediction in tight sandstone reservoir based on wellbore rock physical simulation. Petroleum Science, 16:1285-1300.
[7]Li, C.Y., Jiang, X.D., Gong, W., Li, D.Y., Li, C.Y. 2018. Surface uplift of the Central Yunnan Plateau since the Pliocene. Geological Journal, DOI: 10.1002/gj.2904.
[8]Li, D.Y., Dong, B.J., Jiang, X.D., Xing, J.H. 2016. Geochemical Evidence for Provenance and Tectonic Background from the Palaeogene sedimentary Rocks of the East China Sea Shelf Basin. Geological Journal, DOI:10.1002/gj.2825.
[9]Li, D.Y., Jiang, X.D., Xu, F., Liu, J.S., Hou, G.W. 2016 Geochemistry of the Paleocene Clastic Rocks in Lishui Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin: Implications for Tectonic Background and Provenance. Acta Geologica Sinica, 90: 166-181.
[10]Li, D.Y., Jiang, X.D., Dong, B.J., Sun, Y., Lin, Q. 2015. Seismic Velocity Prediction Based on Petrophysical model and Application in Tight Gas Reservoir of the Xihu Depression, East China Sea Shelf Basin, 3rd International Workshop on Rock Physics.
[11]Li, D.Y., Jiang, X.D. 2014. Diagenesis and High Quality Reservoir Forecast of Qingshankou Sandstones, Bottom of Upper Cretaceous, Southern Songliao Basin, Northeast of China. Petroleum Science and Technology, 32: 2038-2048.
[12]Zhang, J.L., Li, D.Y., Jiang, Z.Q. 2010. Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality of the Fourth Member Sandstones of Shahejie Formation in Huimin Depression, Eastern China. Journal of Central South Universuty of Technology, 17: 169-179.
[13]Zhang, J.L., Dong, Z.R., Li, D.Y. 2014. A Reservoir Assessment of the Qingshankou Sandstones (the Upper Cretaceous), Daqingzijing Field, South Songliao Basin, Northeastern China. Petroleum Science and Technology, 32: 274-280.
[14]Zhang, J.L., Jiang, Z.Q., Li, D.Y., Sun, J. 2009. Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of the First Layer, Upper Second Submember, Shahejie Formation in Pucheng Oilfield. Journal of Earth Science, 20: 932-940.