


E-mail 地址:zhangwenchao@ouc.edu.cn


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[1] Wenchao Zhang*, John Dodson, Maoxiang Chang, Guangxue Li. Hydrological changes related to ENSO-like states during the last deglaciation in central eastern China. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 2021, 36(10): e2021PA004279.
[2] Wenchao Zhang*, Maoxiang Chang, Hong Yan, John Dodson, Guangxue Li*. Synchronous changes in the East Asian-Australian summer monsoons around 7.2 ka. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2021, 567: 110303.
[3] Wenchao Zhang, Hong Yan*, John Dodson, Peng Cheng, Chengcheng Liu, Jianyong Li, Fengyan Lu, Weijian Zhou, Zhisheng An. The 9.2 ka event in Asian summer monsoon area: the strongest millennial scale collapse of the monsoon during the Holocene. Climate Dynamics, 2018, 50(7-8): 2767-2782.
[4] Wenchao Zhang, Hong Yan*, Chengcheng Liu, Peng Cheng, Jianyong Li, Fengyan Lu, Xiaolin Ma, John Dodson, Henk Heijnis, Weijian Zhou, Zhisheng An. Hydrological changes in Shuangchi Lake, Hainan Island, tropical China, during the Little Ice Age. Quaternary International, 2018, 487: 54-60.
[5] Wenchao Zhang, Hong Yan*, Peng Cheng, Fengyan Lu, Ming Li, John Dodson, Weijian Zhou, Zhisheng An. Peatland development and climate changes in the Dajiuhu basin, central China, over the last 14,100 years. Quaternary International, 2016, 425: 273-281.
[6] Ge Shi, Hong Yan*, Wenchao Zhang, John Dodson, Henk Heijnis, Mark Burrows. Rapid warming has resulted in more wildfires in northeastern Australia. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 771: 144888.
[7] Ge Shi, Hong Yan*, Wenchao Zhang, John Dodson, Henk Heijnis. The impacts of volcanic eruptions and climate changes on the development of Hani peatland in northeastern China during the Holocene. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2021, 210: 104691.
[8] Liyan Wang, Guangxue Li*, Linmiao Wang, Wenchao Zhang, Yang Zhang, Yong Liu, Xiangdong Wang, Haoyin Wang. In-phase and out-of-phase behavior of the East Asian summer and winter monsoons recorded in the South Yellow Sea sediment over the past 9.5 ka. Quaternary Research, 2021, 99: 96-113.
[9] Fengyan Lu, John Dodson*, Wenchao Zhang, Hong Yan. Mid to late Holocene environmental change and human impact: A view from Central China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2019, 223: 105953.
[10] John Dodson*, Jianyong Li*, Fengyan Lu, Wenchao Zhang, Hong Yan*, Shuan Cao. A Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation and environmental record from Shuangchi Maar, Hainan Province, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2019, 523: 89-96.
[11] Chengcheng Liu, Hong Yan*, Haobai Fei, Xiaolin Ma, Wenchao Zhang, Ge Shi, Willie Soon, John Dodson, Zhisheng An. Temperature seasonality and ENSO variability in the northern South China Sea during the Medieval Climate Anomaly interval derived from the Sr/Ca ratios of Tridacna shell. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2019, 180: 103880.
[12] Hong Yan*, Chengcheng Liu, Wenchao Zhang, Ming Li, Xufeng Zheng, Gangjian Wei, Louhua Xie, Wenfeng Deng, Liguang Sun. ENSO variability around 2000 years ago recorded by Tridacna gigas δ18O from the South China Sea. Quaternary International, 2017, 452:148-154.