




· 学习经历

吉林大学, 地质学理学学士学位,中国长春,2008.07
吉林大学, 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学硕士学位,中国长春,2010.06
吉林大学, 理学博士学位,中国长春,2013.06

· 工作简历


· 现今学术兼职

《Precambrian Research》、《Journal of Asian Earth Sciences》、《Geological Journal》审稿人


· 承担的重大重点项目

1)国家自然科学基金青年项目, 北秦岭洛南-栾川地区宽坪群的岩石组合、年代学及其构造意义(41502042, 2016.01-2018.12),项目主持人
2)中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 原特提斯洋北部早古生代岩浆作用及其构造意义(2014M551959, 2014.03-2015.07),项目主持人
3)山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金, 原特提斯洋北部早古生代构造演化—来自火成岩年代学、岩石组合与地球化学的制约(BS2014HZ020, 2014.10-2016.09),项目主持人
4)国家自然科学基金重大项目, 原特提斯洋-陆格局与微地块早古生代拼合、(41190072, 2012.01-2016.12),项目骨干
5)国家自然科学基金青年项目, 海山俯冲过程与强震触发机制的数值模拟分析(41402172, 2012.01-2015.12),项目第三参与人

· 国家级出版社出版的著作



· 学科方向


· 应用研究


· 近期研究兴趣



[1]Huahua Cao, Sanzhong Li, Shujuan Zhao, Penghceng Wang, I.D. Somerville, Qian Wang. 2017. Precambrian tectonic affinity of the North Qinling Microcontinent: Constraints from the discovery of Mesoproterozoic magmatic zircons in the Qinling Group. Geological Journal, 52(13):142-154.
[2]Huahua Cao, Sanzhong Li, Shujuan Zhao, Shan Yu, Xiyao Li, I.D. Somerville. 2016. Detrital zircon geochronology of Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in the North Qinling Orogenic Belt: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Kuanping Ocean. Precambrian Research, 279: 1-16.
[3]Huahua Cao, Wenliang Xu, Fuping Pei, Zhiwei Wang, Feng Wang, Zijin Wang, 2013. Zircon U-Pb geochronology and petrogenesis of the Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic intrusive rocks in the eastern segment of the northern margin of the North China Block. Lithos, 170-171: 191-207.
[4]CAO Huahua, XU Wenliang, PEI Fuping, ZHANG Xingzhou, 2011. Permian Tectonic Evolution in Southwestern Khanka Massif: Evidence from Zircon U-Pb Chronology, Hf isotope and Geochemistry of Gabbro and Diorite. Acta Geologica Sinica, 85(6): 1390-1402.
[5]曹花花, 许文良, 裴福萍, 郭鹏远, 王枫, 2012. 华北板块北缘东段二叠纪的构造属性: 来自火山岩锆石U-Pb年代学与地球化学的制约. 岩石学报, 28(9): 2733-2750.
[6]Huahua Cao, Wenliang Xu, Fuping Pei, 2011. Zircon U-Pb chronology and geochemistry of Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic intrusive rocks in eastern segment of the northern margin of the North China Craton, NE China and its tectonic implications. Mineralogical Magazine, 75(3): 619.
[7]Zhen Zhang, Sanzhong Li, Huahua Cao, I.D. Somerville, Shujuan Zhao, Shan Yu, 2015. Origin of the North Qinling Microcontinent and Proterozoic geotectonic evolution of the Kuanping Ocean, Central China. Precambrian Research, 266: 179-193.
[8]Shan Yu, Sanzhong Li, Shujuan Zhao, Huahua Cao, Yanhui Suo, 2015. Long history of a Grenville orogen relic – The North Qinling terrane: Evolution of the Qinling orogenic belt from Rodinia to Gondwana. Precambrian Research, 271:98-117.
[9]Wang Zhiwei, Pei Fuping, Xu Wenliang, Cao Huahua, Wang Zijin, 2015. Geochronology and geochemistry of Late Devonian and early Carboniferous igneous rocks of central Jilin Province, NE China: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 97: 260-278.
[10]Shujuan Zhao, Sanzhong Li, Xin Liu, M. Santosh, I. Somerville, Huahua Cao, Shan Yu, Zhen Zhang, Lingli Guo, 2015. The northern boundary of the Proto-Tethys Ocean: Constraints from structural analysis and U-Pb zircon geochronology of the North Qinling Terrane. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113:560-574.
[11]Wenjun Sun, Sanzhong Li , Xin Liu, M. Santosh, Shujuan Zhao, Lingli Guo, Huahua Cao, Shan Yu, Liming Dai, Yong Zhang, 2015. Deep structures and surface boundaries among Proto-Tethyan micro-blocks: Constraints from seismic tomography and aeromagnetic anomalies in the Central China Orogen. Tectonophysics, 659: 109-121.
[12]裴福萍, 王志伟, 曹花花, 许文良, 王枫, 2014.吉林省中部地区早古生代英云闪长岩的成因:锆石U-Pb年代学和地球化学证据. 岩石学报, 30(7): 2009-2019
[13]李三忠,赵淑娟,刘鑫,索艳慧,曹花花,戴黎明,郭玲莉,刘博,余珊,张国伟, 2014. 洋陆转换与耦合过程. 中国海洋大学学报 (自然科学版), 44(10).
[14]王志伟, 裴福萍, 曹花花等, 2013. 华北板块北缘东段石炭纪早期岩浆事件及其构造意义: 锆石U-Pb年代学与岩石组合证据. 地质通报, 32(2-3): 279-286.
[15]王子进, 许文良, 裴福萍,曹花花等, 2013. 兴蒙造山带南缘东段中二叠世末-早三叠世镁铁质岩浆作用及其构造意义: 锆石U-Pb年代学与地球化学证据. 地质通报, 32(2-3): 374-387.
[16]裴福萍, 叶轶凡, 王枫, 曹花花, 路思明, 杨德彬, 2013. 吉林通化地区中元古代辉绿岩墙的发现及其地质意义.吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 43(1): 110-118.
[17]Feng Wang, Wenliang Xua, En Meng, Huahua Cao, Fuhong Gao, 2012. Early Paleozoic amalgamation of the Songnen-Zhangguangcai Range and Jiamusi massifs in the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Geochronological and geochemical evidence from granitoids and rhyolites. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 49(30): 234-248.
[18]Feng Wang, Wen-Liang Xua, En Meng, Fu-Hong Gao, Hua-Hua Cao, Lei Zhao, Yang Yang, 2012. Tectonic history of the Zhangguangcailing Group in eastern Heilongjiang Province, NE China: constraints from U–Pb geochronology of detrital and magmatic zircons. Tectonophysics, 566-567(16): 105-122.
[19]唐杰, 许文良, 王枫, 高福红, 曹花花, 2011. 张广才岭帽儿山组双峰式火山岩成因: 年代学与地球化学证据. 世界地质, 30(4): 0508-0513.