
· 学习经历
中国石油大学(华东),地质资源与地质工程,博士学位,中国东营,2001.09 -2004.06
· 工作简历
· 主持的重要科研项目
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,廷贾—西巴兰线断裂特征与南海南部形成演化 (41976054,2020.01-2023.12),项目负责人。
3.中海石油(中国)有限公司深圳分公司重点项目, 阳江-一统暗沙隐伏断裂带构造特征及其控盆控藏作用研究(CCL2020SZPS0130,2020.01-2021.12),项目主持人,排名第2
4.国家自然科学基金重大计划重点项目, 台湾岛弧及邻区新生代古地形地貌数值模拟与动态重塑(91958214,2020.01-2023.12),项目参与人
· 学科方向
· 应用研究
· 近期研究兴趣
1)Jiang, S.H., Jiang, Y., Liu, Y.M., Li, S.Z., Zhang, W., Wang, G., Lu, L.L., Somerville, I.D., 2021. The Bangong-Nujiang Suture Zone, Tibet Plateau: Its role in the tectonic evolution of the eastern Tethys Ocean. Earth-Science Reviews .
2)Wang, G., Jiang, S.H., Wang, P.C., Guo, L.L., Jiang, Y., Lu, L.L., Somerville, L., Li, S.Z., 2021. Mesozoic Subduction-Related Accretion of Micro-blocks in the East Asian Ocean Continent Connection Zone. Earth-Science Reviews.
3)Jiang, Y., Jiang, S.H., Li, S.Z., Wang, G., Zhang, W., Lu, L.L., Guo, L.L., Liu, Y.J., Santosh, M., 2020. Paleozoic to Mesozoic micro-block tectonics in the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Insights from magnetic and gravity anomalies. Gondwana Research.
4)Lu, L.L., Jiang, S.H., Li, S.Z., Wang, P.C., Jiang, Y., Wang, G., Zhang, W., Suo, Y.H., Santosh, M., 2020. Evolution of Meso-Cenozoic subduction zones in the ocean-continent connection zone of the eastern South China Block: Insights from gravity and magnetic anomalies. Gondwana Research.
5)Jiang, S.H., Cao, W., Li, S.Z., Wang, G.,Somerville, I.D., Zhang, W., Zhao, F.Y., Chen, H.Y..2018.Tectonic units of the Early Precambrian basement within the North China Craton: Constraints from gravitational and magnetic anomalies. Precambrian Research, 318, 122–132.
6)Jiang,S.H.,Wang,G.,Li,S.Z.,Wang,G.Z.,Li,X.Y.,Zhang,H.X.,Zhang, W.,Cao, W.,Dai,L.M.,Suo,Y.H.,I.Somerville.2020.Potential deep-buried petroleum systems in Meso-Neoproterozoic rifts of the southwestern North China Craton revealed by gravity anomalies.Precambrian Research,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105764
7)Cao, W.,Jiang, S.H.,Li, S.Z.,Zhang, W.,Wang, G.,Chen, H.Y., Zhao, F.Y.,Lu,L.L.,Jiang, Y. .2019.Contrastive analysis of gravity and magnetic anomalies between North China Craton and Indian Shield,Geological Journal.,2019,1–17.
8)Wang, G.,Jiang, S.H.,Li, S.Z.,Zhang,H.X.,Cao, W.,Zhao, F.Y., Lei, J.P., Gao, S.,Crustal nature and lithospheric structure of the Okinawa Trough.Geological Journal.,2020;1-17.
9)Jiang, S.H., Li, S.Z., Chen, X.G., Zhang, H.X., Wang, G.. 2016. Simulation of oil–gas migration and accumulation in the east china sea continental shelf basin: a case study from the xihu depression. Geological Journal, 51(S1), 229-243.
10)Jiang,S.H., Li,S.Z., Somerville, I. D., Lei, J.P., Yang, H.Y.. 2015. Carboniferous-permian tectonic evolution and sedimentation of the turpan-hami basin, NW china: implications for the closure of the paleo-asian ocean. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 113, 644-655..
11)Wang, G., Jiang, S.H., Li, S.Z., Zhang, H.X., Lei, J.P., Gao, S., Zhao, F.Y.. 2017. Basement-involved faults and deep structures in the west philippine basin: constrains from gravity field. Marine Geophysical Research, 38(1-2), 149-167..
12)Lei, J. P., Jiang, S. H., Li, S. Z., Gao, S., Zhang, H. X., & Wang, G., Zhao, F.Y.. 2016. Gravity anomaly in the southern south china sea: a connection of moho depth to the nature of the sedimentary basins' crust. Geological Journal, 51(S1), 244-262.
13)Zhao, F.Y., Jiang, S.H., Li, S.Z., Zhang, H.X., Wang, G., Lei, J.P., Gao, S.. 2016. Cenozoic tectonic migration in the bohai bay basin, east china. Geological Journal, 51(S1), 188-202.
14)Liu, B., Li, S.Z., Jiang, S.H., Suo, Y.H., Guo, L.L., Wang, Y.M., Zhang, H.X.. 2017. Origin and model of transform faults in the okinawa trough. Marine Geophysical Research, 38(1-2), 137-147.
15)Wang, P.C., Li, S.Z., Guo, L.L., Jiang, S.H., Somerville, I.D., Zhao, S.J., Zhu, B.D., Chen, J., Dai, L.M., Sou, Y.H., Han, B.. 2016. Mesozoic and cenozoic accretionary orogenic processes in borneo and their mechanisms. Geological Journal, 51(S1), 464-489.