
联系电话: 0086-532-66785916
电子邮箱: hekuang@ouc.edu.cn
· 学习经历
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2021年 中国海洋大学青年英才三层次
2018年 博士后国际交流计划引进项目
· 学科方向
· 近期研究兴趣
· 论文收录情况
1. He, K., Zhao, X., Pan, Y., Zhao, X., Qin, H., & Zhang, T. (2020). Benchmarking component analysis of remanent magnetization curves with a synthetic mixture series: Insight into the reliability of unmixing natural samples. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, e2020JB020105.
2. He, K., & Pan, Y. (2020). Magnetofossil abundance and diversity as paleoenvironmental proxies: A case study from Southwest Iberian margin sediments. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(8), e2020GL087165.
3. He, K., Roud, S. C., Gilder, S. A., Egli, R., Mayr, C., & Petersen, N. (2018). Seasonal variability of magnetotactic bacteria in a freshwater pond. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(5), 2294-2302.
4. He, K., Gilder, S. A., Orsi, W. D., Zhao, X., & Petersen, N. (2017). Constant flux of spatial niche partitioning through high-resolution sampling of magnetotactic bacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83(20), e01382-17.
5. Wang, X., Zattin, M., Wang, L., Pang, B., Yang, Y., He, K., ... & Zhang, Y. (2023). Cenozoic morphotectonic evolution of the northeasternmost Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from detrital thermochronology. Global and Planetary Change, 225, 104131.
6. Hou, Y., Zhang, M., He, K., Shen, Z., Dong, L., Fan, Y., ... & Qin, H. (2023). A magnetic measurement technique for small rare samples: Pre-study for Chang’e-5 returned and other extraterrestrial samples. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11, 1146231.
7. Goswami, P., He, K., Li, J., Pan, Y., Roberts, A. P., & Lin, W. (2022). Magnetotactic bacteria and magnetofossils: Ecology, evolution and environmental implications. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, 8, 43.
8. Liu, J., Zhang, W., He, K., Liu, L., Wang, C., Jiang, Y., ... & Lin, W. (2022). Survival of the magnetotactic bacterium Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense exposed to Earth's lower near space. Science Bulletin, 67(13), 1335-1339.
9. Chen, S., Yu, M., Zhang, W., He, K., Pan, H., Cui, K., ... & Wu, L. F. (2022). Metagenomic and microscopic analysis of magnetotactic bacteria in Tangyin hydrothermal field of Okinawa Trough. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13, 887136.
10. Liu, C., Qin, H., Ferré, E. C., Wang, W., He, K., & Deng, C. (2022). Importance of hematite self‐reversal in Al‐rich soils magnetostratigraphy: Revisiting the Damei red soil sequence in the Bose Basin, southern China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(4), e2021JB023165.
11. Wang, H., Xu, X., Gai, C., Liu, J., Zhong, Y., Jiang, X., ... , He, K., & Liu, Q. (2022). Inverse magnetic fabrics caused by magnetofossils in the northwestern South China Sea since end of the Last Glacial. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(14), e2022GL098507.
12. Zhang, M., Qin, H. F., He, K., Hou, Y. F., Zheng, Q. F., Deng, C. L., ... & Pan, Y. X. (2021). Magnetostratigraphy across the end-Permian mass extinction event from the Meishan sections, southeastern China. Geology, 49(11), 1289-1294.
13. Gilder, S. A., He, K., Wack, M., & Ježek, J. (2019). Relative paleointensity estimates from magnetic anisotropy: Proof of concept. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 519, 83-91.
14. Meng, J., Gilder, S. A., Wang, C., Coe, R. S., Tan, X., Zhao, X., & He, K. (2019). Defining the limits of Greater India. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(8), 4182-4191.
15. Lhuillier, F., Gilder, S. A., Wack, M., He, K., Petersen, N., Singer, B. S., Jicha, B. R., Schaen, A. J., & Colon, D. (2016). More stable yet bimodal geodynamo during the Cretaceous superchron? Geophysical Research Letters, 43(12), 6170-6177.
16. Liu, S., Li, J., Stockli,D. F., Song, C., Nie, J., Peng, T., Wang, X., He, K., Hui, Z., & Zhang, J. (2015). Late Tertiary reorganizations of deformation in Northeastern Tibet constrained by stratigraphy and provenance data from Eastern Longzhong Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120(8), 5804-5821.
17. 刘善品,何况,吴小斌,李吉均,宋春晖(2012). 细粒沉积物(岩)中重矿物提取方法的改进,地质科技通报,31(1),131-136.
18. Wang, X., Li, J., Song, C., Zattin, M., Zhao, Z., Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., & He, K. (2012). Late Cenozoic orogenic history of Western Qinling inferred from sedimentation of Tianshui basin, northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 101(5), 1345-1356.