





· 学习经历


· 工作简历


· 学术兼职

《Geological Journal》、《Geosystems and Geoenvironment》副主编
《China Geology》《古地理学报》、《大地构造与成矿学》、《地质科学》编委
国际冈瓦纳会议组委会主席、美国地球物理学会(AGU)秋季会议专题召集人、《Gondwana Research》专辑客座编辑等

· 主要科研奖励与荣誉

2019年、2020年连续获海洋优秀科技图书奖 (第二获奖人)

· 主持和参与的重要科研项目

[1] 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目,“洋陆过渡带动力学”(42322603,2024.01-2026.12),主持
[2] 山东省自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目,“洋陆过渡带动力学”(ZR2021YQ25,2022.01-2024.12),主持
[3] 国家自然科学基金创新群体项目,“海底古地貌动态重建”(42121005,2022.01-2027.12),项目骨干
[4] 崂山实验室科技创新项目,“基于数字孪生的全球深时地貌重塑与资源环境预测(LSKJ202204400,2022.03-2025.02),项目骨干
[5] 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目,“中印度洋海盆板内构造及其对印度-欧亚板块碰撞作用的响应”(41876036,2019.01-2022.12),主持
[6] 国家重点研发计划子课题,燕山期多板块汇聚与陆缘构造过程(2017YFC0601401,2017.07-2021.06),主持
[7] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,“西南印度洋洋脊轴外构造-岩浆过程及其热液成矿模式”(41502185,2016.01-2018.12),主持
[8] 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(一等),“西南印度洋死亡洋中脊识别及板块重建”(2015M580605,2015.10-2016.10),主持
[9] 山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金项目,“基于重力数据的印度洋构造-岩浆过程探讨及热液成矿区预测”(BS2014HZ002,2014.12-2016.12),主持


· 学科方向


· 研究方向




[1] 2023. Liu, J., Cao, X., Suo, Y.*, Zhang, R., Jiang, Z., Zhou, J., Li, X., Somerville, I., Li, S. Tectonophysics Subduction-derived microplates: Complex evolution of the footwall in the subduction system. Tectonophysics, 862(5), 1-19.
[2] 2023. Liu, Z., Li, S.Z., Suo, Y.H*., Bukhari, S.W.H., Ding, X.S., Zhou, J., Wang, P.C., Cheng, H.H., Somerville, I. Evolution of pull-apart basins with overlapping NE-trending strike-slip fault systems in the northern South China Sea margin: insight from numerical modelling, Tectonophysics, 846, 229679. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229679.
[3] 2022. Yanhui Suo*, Sanzhong Li, Guangrong Peng, Xiaodong Du, Jie Zhou, Pengcheng Wang, Guangzeng Wang, Ian Somerville, Yixiao Diao, Zhongqiang Liu, Xinjian Fu, Bo Liu, Xianzhi Cao. Cenozoic basement-involved rifting of the northern South China Sea margin. Gondwana Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2022.02.017.
[4] 2022. Pengcheng Wang, Yanhui Suo*, Guangrong Peng, Sanzhong Li, Xiaodong Du, Xianzhi Cao, Jie Zhou, Guangzeng Wang, M. Santosh, Suhua Jiang, Ze Liu, Junjiang Zhu. Three-stage extension in the Cenozoic Pearl River Mouth Basin triggering onset of the South China Sea spreading. Gondwana Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2022.05.023.
[5] 2022. Dunling Mu, Guangrong Peng, Dingwei Zhu, Sanzhong Li, Yanhui Suo*, Huawang Zhan, Lintao Zhao. Structure and formation mechanism of the Pearl River Mouth Basin: Insights from multi-phase strike-slip motions in the Yangjiang Sag, SE China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 226, 105081.
[6] 2021. Suo, Y.H.*, Li, S.Z., Cao, X.Z., Liu, Y.M., Zhu, J.J., Li, X.Y., Somerville, I. Mantle micro-block beneath the Indian Ocean and its implications on the continental rift-drift-collision of the Tethyan evolution. Earth-Science Reviews 217, 103622.
[7] 2021. Pengcheng Wang, Sanzhong Li*, Yanhui Suo*, Lingli Guo, M. Santosh, Xiyao Li, Guangzeng Wang, Zhaoxia Jiang, Bo Liu, Jie Zhou, Suhua Jiang, Xianzhi Cao, Ze Liu. Structural and kinematic analysis of Cenozoic rift basins in South China Sea: A synthesis. Earth-Science Reviews, 103522.
[8] 2021. Pengcheng Wang, Yanhui Suo*, Xianzhi Cao*, Junjiang Zhu, Bo Liu, Guangzeng Wang, Jie Zhou, Xiyao Li, Sanzhong Li, Gege Hui. Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic cooling of the southern Lower Yangtze River area: A response to subduction of the Izanagi and Pacific plates. Gondwana Research, doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2021.02.016.
[9] 2021. Jie Zhou, Chong Jin, Yanhui Suo*, Sanzhong Li, Li Zhang, Yiming Liu, Guangzeng Wang, Pengcheng Wang, Liming Dai, M. Santosh, 2021. Yanshanian mineralization and geodynamic evolution in the Western Pacific Margin: A review of metal deposits of Zhejiang Province, China. Ore Geology Reviews, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104216.
[10] 2020. Suo, Y.H.*, Li, S.Z.*, Cao, X.Z., Wang, X.Y., Somerville, I., Wang, G.Z., Wang, P.C., Liu, B. Mesozoic-Cenozoic basin inversion and geodynamics in East China: A review. Earth-Science Reviews 210, 103357.
[11] 2020. Suo, Y.H.*, Li, S.Z.*, Cao, X.Z. Large-scale asymmetry in thickness of crustal accretion at the Southeast Indian Ridge due to deep mantle anomalies. Geological Society of American Bulletin, DOI:10.1130/B35673.1.
[12] 2020. Suo, Y.H.*, Li, S.Z.*, Cao, X.Z., Dong, H., Li, X.Y., Wang, X.Y. Two-stage eastward diachronous model of India-Eurasia collision: Constraints from the intraplate tectonic records in Northeast Indian Ocean. Gondwana Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2020.01.006.
[13] 2020. Zhou, J., Jin, C., Suo, Y.H.*, Li, S.Z.*, Zhang, L., Li, Y.M., Wang, G.Z., Wang, P.C., Dai, L.M., Santosh, M. The Yanshanian (Mesozoic) metallogenesis in China linked to crust-mantle interaction in the western Pacific margin: An overview from the Zhejiang Province. Gondwana Research, DOI:10.1016/j.gr.2020.11.003.
[14] 2020. 王新毓, 索艳慧*, 李三忠, 曹现志, 李玺瑶, 周洁, 王鹏程. 华南东部陆缘新生代隆升历史及其动力学机制. 岩石学报, 36(6): 1803-1820 (SCI).
[15] 2019. Suo, Y.H.*, Li, S.Z.*, Jin, C., Zhang, Y., Zhou, J., Li, X.Y., Wang, P.C., Liu, Z., Wang, X.Y., Somerville, I. Eastward tectonic migration and transition of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Andean-type continental margin along Southeast China. Earth-Science Reviews 196, 102884.
[16] 2019. Li, S.Z.*, Suo, Y.H.*, Li, X.Y., Zhou, J., Santosh, M., Wang, P.C., Wang, G.Z., Guo, L.L., Yu, S.Y., Lan, H.Y., Dai, L.M., Zhou, Z.Z., Cao, X.Z., Zhu, J.J., Liu, B., Jiang, S.H., Wang, G., Zhang, G.W. Mesozoic tectono-magmatic evolution in the East Asian ocean-continent connection zone and its relationship with Paleo-Pacific Plate subduction. Earth-Science Reviews 192: 91-137.
[17] 2018. Li, S.Z.*, Suo, Y.H.*, Li, X.Y., Liu, B., Dai L.M., Wang, G.Z., Wang, G., Zhou, J., Li, Y., Liu, Y.M., Cao, X.Z., Somerville, I., Mu, D.L. Zhao, S.J., Liu, J.P., Zhen, L.B., Zhao, L.T., Zhu, J.J., Yu, S.Y., Liu, Y.J., Zhang, G.W. Microplate Tectonics: new insights from micro-blocks in the global oceans, continental margins and deep mantle. Earth-Science Reviews 185: 1029-1064.
[18] 2017. Suo, Y.H., Li, S.Z.*, Li, X.Y., Zhang, Z., Ding, D. The potential hydrothermal systems unexplored in the Southwest Indian Ocean. Marine Geophysical Researches, DOI: 10.1007/s11001-016-9300-5.
[19] 2016. Suo, Y.H., Li, S.Z.*, Li, X.Y., Guo, L.L., Wang, Y.M. Crustal thickness anomalies in the Indian Ocean inferred from gravity analysis. Geological Journal, DOI: 10.1002/gj.2786.
[20] 2016. Suo, Y.H., Li, S.Z.*, Yu, S., Zhang, Z., Li, X.Y., Guo, L.L. Morphotectonics and ridge jumpings in the Indian Ocean. Geological Journal, DOI: 10.1002/gj.2746.
[21] 2015. Suo, Y.H., Li, S.Z.*, Zhao, S.J., Somerville, I.D., Yu, S., Dai, L.M., Xu, L.Q., Cao, X.Z., Wang, P.C. Continental margin basins in East Asia: tectonic implications of the Meso-Cenozoic East China Sea pull-apart basins. Geological Journal 50, 139-156.
[22] 2014. Suo, Y.H., Li, S.Z.*, Yu, S., Somerville, I.D., Liu, X., Zhao, S.J., Dai, L.M. Cenozoic tectonic jumping and implications for hydrocarbon accumulation in basins in the East Asia Continental Margin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 88, 28-40.
[23] 2013. 索艳慧, 李三忠*, 刘鑫, 戴黎明, 许立青, 王鹏程, 赵淑娟, 张丙坤. 中国东部NWW向活动断裂带构造特征: 以张家口-蓬莱断裂带为例. 岩石学报, 03: 953-966 (SCI).
[24] 2012. 索艳慧, 李三忠*, 戴黎明, 刘鑫, 周立宏. 东亚及其大陆边缘新生代构造迁移与盆地演化. 岩石学报, 08: 2602-2618 (SCI).
[25] 2018年,李三忠,索艳慧,刘博,编著,《海底构造系统(上、下册)》,北京:科学出版社.
[26] 2017年,李三忠,索艳慧,郭玲莉,编著,《海底构造原理》,北京:科学出版社.