
· 学习经历
· 工作简历
2020.01-至今, 中国海洋大学,海洋地球科学学院,副教授
· 学术兼职
《Ocean & Coastal Management》客座编辑
《Water Resources Research》, 《Marine Geology》, 《Geomorphology》,《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》,《中国地质》等国内外期刊审稿人
· 主持的科研项目
(3)国家自然科学基金 “黄河口沉积对黄河调水和调沙过程的差异性响应机制”,2019-2021,主持;
· 获得的科研奖励
· 学科方向
· 近期研究兴趣
· 论文收录情况
· 代表性论文
1.Xiao Wu*, Houjie Wang, Yoshiki Saito, Jaia Syvitski, Naishuang Bi, Zuosheng Yang, Jingping Xu, Weibing Guan, 2022. Boosting riverine sediment by artificial flood in the Yellow River and the implication for delta restoration Marine Geology, 106816.
2.Xiao Wu*, Houjie Wang, Naishuang Bi, Jingping Xu, Jeffrey Nittrouer, Zuosheng Yang, Taian Lu, Peihua Li, 2021. Impact of Artificial Floods on the Quantity and Grain Size of River-Borne Sediment: A Case Study of a Dam Regulation Scheme in the Yellow River Catchment, Water Resources Research, 57, e2021WR029581.
3.Xiao Wu, Naishuang Bi, Jaia Syvitski, Yoshiki Saito, Jingping Xu, Jeffrey Nittrouer, Thomas Bianchi, Zuosheng Yang, Houjie Wang*. 2020. Can Reservoir Regulation Along the Yellow River Be a Sustainable Way to Save a Sinking Delta? Earth’s Future, 8, e2020EF001587.
4.Xiao Wu*, Houjie Wang, Naishuang Bi, Yoshiki Saito, Jingping Xu, Yong Zhang, Taian Lu, Shuai Cong, Zuosheng Yang, 2020. Climate and human battle for dominance over the Yellow River’s sediment discharge: From the Mid-Holocene to the Anthropocene, Marine Geology, 106188.
5.Xiao Wu*, Houjie Wang, Naishuang Bi, Jeffrey Nittrouer, Jingping Xu, Shuai Cong, Brandee Carlson, Taian Lu, Zhaoying Li, 2020. Evolution of a tide-dominated abandoned channel: A case of the abandoned Qingshuigou course, Yellow River, Marine Geology, 106166.
6.Xiao Wu, Hui Wu, Houjie Wang, Naishuang Bi, Haiqin Duan, Chenghao Wang, Changwei Bian, Jingping Xu*, 2019. Novel, repeated surveys reveal new insights on sediment flux through a narrow strait, Bohai, China, JGR-Oceans, 124,1-15.
7.Xiao Wu, Jingping Xu, Hui Wu, Naishuang Bi, Changwei Bian, Peihua Li, Aimei Wang, Haiqin Duan, Houjie Wang*, 2019. Synoptic variations of residual currents in the Huanghe (Yellow River)-derived distal mud patch off the Shandong Peninsula: Implications for long-term sediment transport, Marine Geology, 417, 1-13.
8.Xiao Wu, Naishuang Bi, Jingping Xu, Jeffrey Nittrouer, Zuosheng Yang, Yoshiki Saito, Houjie Wang*., 2017. Stepwise morphological evolution of the active Yellow River (Huanghe) delta lobe (1976–2013): Dominant roles of riverine discharge and sediment grain size, Geomorphology 292, 115-127.
9.Xiao Wu, Jingping Xu, Houjie Wang, Xuefa Shi, 2023. The transport and deposition processes of shelf sediments along the coast of China. Continental Shelf Research, 104962.
10.Xiao Wu, Haiqin Duan, Naishuang Bi, Ping Yuan, Aimei Wang, Houjie Wang*, 2016. Interannual and seasonal variation of chlorophyll-a off the Yellow River Mouth (1997–2012): Dominance of river inputs and coastal dynamics, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 183(B), 402-412.
11.Xiao Wu, Houjie, Wang*, Naishuang Bi, Zhenjie, Song, Zhengcheng, Zang, Gail C. Kineke, 2016. Bio-physical changes in the coastal ocean triggered by typhoon:A case of Typhoon Meari in summer 2011, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 183(B), 413-421.
12.Xiao Wu, Naishuang Bi, Ping Yuan, Song Li, Houjie Wang*., 2015. Sediment dispersal and accumulation off the present Huanghe (Yellow River) delta as impacted by the Water-Sediment Regulation Scheme, Continental Shelf Research 111, 126-138.
13.Xiao Wu, Naishuang Bi, Kanai Y, Saito Y, Yong Zhang, Zuosheng Yang, Dejiang Fan, Houjie Wang*, 2015. Sedimentary records off the modern Huanghe (Yellow River) delta and their response to deltaic river channel shifts over the last 200 years, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 108, 68-80.
14.吴晓*,范勇勇,王厚杰,毕乃双,杨作升,徐丛亮,2021. 黄河下游与河口对2015-2017年调水调沙中断的沉积响应. 科学通报,66: 3059-3070.
15.吴晓*,范勇勇,王厚杰,毕乃双,徐丛亮,张勇,刘京鹏,卢泰安,2021.三角洲废弃河道演化过程及受控机制—以黄河刁口废弃河道为例. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,41(2): 22-29.