
· 学习经历
2007/11-2008/12,美国德州农工大学(Texas A&M University)联合培养
· 工作经历
2016/12-2017/12,美国德州农工大学(Texas A&M University)访问学者
· 主要讲授课程
· 主要科研项目
· 获奖
· 国家专利
(1)徐继尚; 翟科; 徐继正. 可自动浮起式海水取样装置, 2023-09-29, 中国, 发明专利,ZL201611181532.5.
(2)徐继尚; 徐继正; 翟科. 一种海水自动取样装置, 2023-09-29, 中国, 发明专利,ZL201611181523.6.
(3)徐继尚; 徐继正;李广雪; 翟科; 王祥东; 权永峥; 邢磊; 海底重力取样器底部负压平衡装置, 2020-09-01, 中国, 发明专利,ZL201810542920.4.
(8)徐继尚, 翟科, 蒲进菁, 李广雪, 温琦, 钱正峰, 徐继正, 董平. 一种压力传感器数据采集单元. 2016.05.04,实用新型专利,授权号:ZL 201521053295.5
(9)蒲进菁, 徐继尚, 曹立华, 翟科, 温琦, 钱正峰. 一种条带测深系统换能器避振装置. 2016.05.04,实用新型专利,授权号:ZL 201521050570.8
· 学科方向
· 应用基础
· 近期研究兴趣
[1].Yong Liu, Jishang Xu*, Guangxue Li, Hongan Sun, Shidong Liu, Lulu Qiao, Yanyan Ma, Dong Ding, Chunlai Wang. Evolution of Suspended Particles in the Autumnal North Yellow Sea: Grain-Size Distributions Measured by Laser In Situ Scattering and Transmissometry. IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024, 62, 4210713. https://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2024.3457760.
[2].Xiaoqiang Guo, Yanyan Zhao*, Zhishun Zhang, Guangyao Cao, Lei Yang, Guanglu Zhang, Jishang Xu*, Guangxue Li, Sanzhong Li. Quantifying the contribution of modern Asian dust to the southern Yap trench and its southeastern region. Deep–Sea Research I, 2025, 218, 104464. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2025.104464.
[3].Hongan Sun, Jishang Xu, Zhenhuan Tian*, Lulu Qiao, Zhixing Luan, Yaxin Zhang, Shaotong Zhang, Xingmin Liu and Guangxue Li. Seabed Liquefaction Risk Assessment Based on Wave Spectrum Characteristics: A Case Study of the Yellow River Subaqueous Delta, China. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2024, 12, 2276. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse12122276.
[4].Xiaoqiang Guo, Jishang Xu*, Jikun Wang, Yanyan Zhao*, Guangxue Li, Jizheng Xu, Yang Zhang, Shang Zhou, Ju Tian, Long Chen. Spatial lithological heterogeneity of the deep-sea sediments and its controlling factors in the northern West Caroline Basin, tropical West Pacific. Deep–Sea Research I, 2023, 201, 104175. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2023.104175.
[5].Yang Zhang, Jishang Xu*, Guangxue Li, Zhengyao Lu, Zhaoxia Jiang, Wenchao Zhang, Yong Liu. ENSO-like evolution of the tropical Pacific climate mean state and its potential causes since 300ka. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2023, 315, 108241. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108241.
[6].Shidong Liu, Jishang Xu*, Lulu Qiao*, Guangxue Li, Jinghao Shi, Dong Ding, Di Yu, Xue Yang, Yufeng Pan, Siyu Liu and Xiaoshuang Fu. Spatial-temporal variations of short-lived mesoscale eddies and their environmental effects. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2023. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2023.1069897.
[7].Genmin Wang, Jishang Xu*, Zhaoxia Jiang, Guangxue Li, Yang Zhang, Wenchao Zhang and Yong Liu. Precipitation variations of western equatorial pacific during glacial–interglacial cycles since MIS8: Evidence from multi–proxies of sediment. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2022.1092686.
[8].Min Chen*, Guobiao Huang, Jishang Xu*, Chengtao Wang, Jizheng Xu, Hongshuai Qi and Aimei Zhang. Diatom distribution in Holocene sediments from the northern West Caroline Basin (western equatorial Pacific) and their environmental significance. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2023. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2023.1110621.
[9].Jun Yang, Yanyan Zhao*, Haotian Wei, Sheng Liu, Guanglu Zhang, Haiyan Long, Sanzhong Li, Jishang Xu*. Holocene sea surface temperature and salinity variations in the central South China Sea. Marine Micropaleontology, 2023, 181, 102229. https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0377839823000282.
[10].Hongan Sun, Jishang Xu*, Shaotong Zhang, Guangxue Li, Shidong Liu, Lulu Qiao, Yue Yu and Xingmin Liu. Field observations of seabed scour dynamics in front of a seawall during winter gales. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.1080578.
[11].Jishang Xu*, Jiangfeng Dong, Shaotong Zhang, Hongan Sun, Guangxue Li, Jianwei Niu, Anlong Li, Ping Dong. Pore-water pressure response of a silty seabed to random wave action: Importance of low-frequency waves. Coastal Engineering, 2022, 178, 104214. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2022.104214
[12].Jishang Xu*, Jian Sun, Jinghao Shi, Guangxue Li, Xiangdong Wang, Dong Ding, Chunlai Wang, Lindong Wu. Increased wave load on the Gudong seawall caused by seabed scour. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 250, 111005. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.111005
[13].Jishang Xu*, Xingyu Xu, Yaqi Zhang, Jinjing Pu, Jiangfeng Dong, Chunlai Wang, Guangxue Li, Anlong Li, Shaotong Zhang, Yaxin Zhang. Experimental Study on the Influence of Pipeline Vibration on Silty Seabed Liquefaction. Water, 2022, 14, 1782. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14111782
[14].Jiangfeng Dong, Jishang Xu*, Guangxue Li, Anlong Li, Shaotong Zhang, Jianwei Niu, Xingyu Xu, Lindong Wu. Experimental Study on Silty Seabed Liquefaction and Its Impact on Sediment Resuspension by Random Waves. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022, 10, 437. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10030437
[15].Shaotong Zhang, Yaqi Zhang, Jishang Xu*, Lei Guo, Guangxue Li, Yonggang Jia, Lulu Qiao, Jinran Wu, Mingzheng Wen, Chaoqi Zhu. In situ observations of hydro-sediment dynamics on the abandoned Diaokou lobe of the Yellow River Delta: Erosion mechanism and rate. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2022, 277, 108065. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2022.108065
[16].Hanxue Qu, Jinbao Wang, Yong Xu, Jishang Xu*, Xinzheng Li*. Radiolarian assemblages controlled by ocean production in the western equatorial Pacific. Deep–Sea Research I, 182, 2022, 103721. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2022.103721
[17].Jianwei Niu, Jishang Xu*, Guangxue Li, Ping Dong, Jinghao Shi, Lulu Qiao. Swell-dominated sediment re-suspension in a silty coastal seabed. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2020, 242, 106845. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106845.
[18].Jianwei Niu, Jishang Xu*, Ping Dong, Guangxue Li. Pore water pressure responses in silty sediment bed under random wave action. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 11685. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-48119-y.
[19].Xiaoxiao Wang, Xiaoshou Liu*, Jishang Xu*. Distribution patterns of meiofauna assemblages and their relationship with environmental factors of deep-sea adjacent to the Yap Trench, Western Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2019, 6, 735. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00735.
[20].Liyan Wang, Guangxue Li*, Jishang Xu*, Yong Liu, Lulu Qiao, Dong Ding, Jichao Yang, Olusegun A. Dada, Qian Li. Strata sequence and paleochannel response to tectonic, sea-level, and Asian monsoon variability since the late Pleistocene in the South Yellow Sea. Quaternary Research, 2019, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1017/qua.2019.29.
[21].LI Jianchao, LI Guangxue*, XU Jishang, QIAO Lulu, MA Yanyan, DING Dong, LIU Shidong. Responses of Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass to Typhoon Bolaven. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2019, 18(1): 31-42.
[22].Jishang Xu*, Nan Wang, Guangxue Li, Jianchao Li, Shidong Liu, Dong Ding, Zhen Wang, The dynamic responses of flow and near-bed turbidity to typhoons on the continental shelf of the East China Sea: field observations, Geological Journal, 2016, 51(S1): 12-21.
[23].Jianchao Li, Guangxue Li*, Jishang Xu, Ping Dong, Lulu Qiao, Shidong Liu, Pingkuo Sun, Zhisong Fan. Seasonal evolution of the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass and its interactions with ambient hydrodynamic system. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2016, 121: 6779-6792.
[24].WEN Shipeng, XU Jishang*, HU Guanghai, DONG Ping, SHEN Hong. A field investigation on the effects of background erosion on the free span development of a submarine pipeline. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2015, 14(4): 621-628.
[25].Jianchao Li, Guangxue Li*, Jishang Xu, Lulu Qiao, Ping Dong, Dong Ding, Shidong Liu, Pingkuo Sun, Seasonal suspended particles distribution patterns in Western South Yellow Sea based on Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler observation, Journal of Ocean University of China, 2015, 14(3): 385-398.
[26].Yanchen Dai, Lulu Qiao*, Jishang Xu, Chunyan Zhou, Dong Ding, Wei Bi, Estimation of extreme marine hydrodynamic variables in western Laizhou Bay, Journal of Ocean University of China, 2015, 14(3): 425-432.
[27].Nan Wang, Guangxue Li*, Jishang Xu, Lulu Qiao, Olusegun A. Dada, Chunyan Zhou, The marine dynamics and changing trend off the modern Yellow River mouth, Journal of Ocean University of China, 2015, 14(3): 433-445.
[28].Pu Jinjing*, Xu Jishang, Li Guangxue. Self-Burial and Potential Hazards of a Submarine Pipeline in the Sand Wave Area in the South China Sea. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 2013, 4(2): 1-10.
[29].Pu Jinjing, Xu Jishang*, Li Guangxue. Experimental study on damping characteristics of pipe vibration in liquefied silt. The 23ed International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2013.
[30].Xu Jishang, Pu Jinjing, Li Guangxue*. Field observations of seabed scours around a submarine pipeline on cohesive bed. Advances in Computational Environment Science. 2012, 142, 23-33.
[31].Jishang Xu, Guangxue Li*, Ping Dong, Jinghao Shi. Bedform evolution around a submarine pipeline and its effects on wave-induced forces under regular waves. Ocean Engineering, 2010, 37: 304-313.
[32].Xu Jishang, Li Guangxue*, Juan J.Horrillo, Yang Rongmin, Cao Lihua. Calculation of maximum allowable free span length and safety assessment of DF1-1 submarine pipeline. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2010, 9(1): 1-10.
[33].Xu Jishang, Li Guangxue*, Juan J.Horrillo. Local scour and self-burial of a submarine pipeline on cohesive seabed. ASCE International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology ICPTT, 2009, 361: 996-1004.
[34].张洋,徐继尚*,李广雪,刘勇. 西太平洋暖池冰期旋回中的类ENSO 式演化及其驱动机制. 地学前缘,2022,29(4),168-178,DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2022.1.5
[35].周尚,徐继尚,刘勇*,李广雪,李安龙,曹立华,翟科,权永峥.西太暖池区生物组分对海底表层沉积物物理力学性质的影响. 地学前缘,2022,29(5),119-132,DOI: 10.13745/j.esf.sf.2021.5.2
[36].侯啸林,徐继尚*,姜兆霞, 等. 热带西太平洋沉积物的环境磁学特征对东亚冬季风的响应. 地学前缘,2022,29(5),23-34,https://doi.org/10.13745/j.esf.sf.2020.5.55.
[37].丁大林,徐继尚*,王继龙,李广雪,丁咚,乔璐璐,于俊杰. 海洋沉积物测年方法综述. 华东地质, 2021, 42(2): 217-228.
[38].孙思婷, 徐继尚*, 李广雪, 刘雪, 乔璐璐, 周尚. 基于遥感分析渤海湾冬季表层悬浮体浓度变化规律. 海洋与湖沼, 2020, 51(2): 258-264.
[39].齐泽坤,徐继尚*,李广雪, 等. 热带西太平洋碳酸盐溶跃深度及其变化规律. 地质学报, 2020, 94(12): 3852-3863. doi:10.19762/j.cnki.dizhixuebao.2020000.
[40].陈康,徐继尚*,李广雪, 等. 雅浦海沟南缘海底表层矿物碎屑粒度特征及其物源指示. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,2020,40(5): 46-57。
[41].田举, 徐继尚*, 李广雪, 刘明, 庄自贤, 来志庆, 张洋, 李舒豪. 雅浦海沟南缘铁锰结核矿物与地球化学特征及其成因研究,中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版),2019, 49(8): 75-84。
[42].徐继尚*, 李广雪, 田举. 热带气旋沉积动力与沉积记录, 地学前缘, 2017, 24: 1-10.
[43].丁大林, 李广雪*, 徐继尚, 等. 全新世亚洲季风演变. 地学前缘, 2017, 24(4): 114-123.
[44].张琪, 徐继尚*, 波致Gibson粉土质海床累积孔压响应的简化分析, 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 4: 73-80.
[45].胡捷, 徐继尚, 牛建伟, 董平*, 秦宽宽, 声学光学法泥沙浓度观测的对比研究, 海岸工程, 2016, 35(1): 47-57.
[46].徐继尚, 李广雪, 曹立华, 杨荣民. 2009. 海底管道综合探测技术及东方1-1 管道不稳定因素. 海洋地质与第四纪地质. 29 (5): 43-50.
[47].孙平阔, 徐继尚, 文世鹏等. 2014. 现代黄河三角洲钓口叶瓣不良地质现象. 海洋地质前沿, 30 (9): 43-51.
[48].邢力,徐继尚,孙平阔. 2013. 莱州湾西岸大型人工岛进海路工程的地质环境. 海洋地质前沿, 29 (12): 45-50.
[49].王公伯, 李广雪, 徐继尚. 2011. 近海人工岛稳定评价方法体系的研究. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 31(4): 83-88.
乔璐璐, 徐继尚, 丁咚, 2020, 《海洋地质学概论》, 科学出版社