
E-mail 地址:wangguangzeng@ouc.edu.cn
· 学习经历
中国石油大学(华东), 地质学学士学位,中国青岛,2010.07
中国石油大学(华东), 地质学博士学位,中国青岛,2017.07
伦敦大学学院(UCL), 国家公派联合培养博士,英国伦敦,2014.09-2016.2
· 工作简历
2017.07 - 2020.12,中国海洋大学,海洋地球科学学院,博士后
2020.12 - 至今,中国海洋大学,海洋科学与探测技术教育部重点实验室,副教授
· 学术兼职
美国石油地质学家协会会员,《Gondwana Research》、《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》、《Marine and Petroleum Geology》、《Tectonophysics》、《Journal of Structural Geology》、《Australian Journal of Earth Sciences》、《Geological Journal》、《地学前缘》等审稿专家
· 主要科研奖励与荣誉
· 出版专著
[1] 2020年,李三忠,朱俊江,王光增,奖素华,许立青,李园洁等编著,《洋底动力学》模拟篇,北京:科学出版社.
[2] 2021年,李三忠,戴黎明,郭玲莉,刘泽栋,王光增,王永明等编著,《洋底动力学》技术篇,北京:科学出版社.
同时参与《洋底动力学》应用篇和《Marine Geosciences》中部分章节的编写工作
(1)国家自然科学基金面上项目,“走滑派生构造差异演化主控因素的砂箱实验研究:以郯庐断裂渤海-山东段张扭派生的构造为例” 编号:42072235, 2021-2024, 主持;
(3) 崂山实验室科技创新项目“基于数字孪生的全球深时地貌重塑与资源环境预测,编号:LSKJ202204400,2022-2025,子课题负责人
(4)中科院地质与地球物理研究所合作项目,塔里木盆地北缘震旦-寒武系裂陷槽结构地质解译, 2023-2023,主持
(5)中国地质科学院地质力学研究所合作项目, 南海北部深水区盆地构造解释,2024-2025,主持
· 学科方向
· 研究方向
· 近期研究兴趣
· 论文收录情况
· 代表性期刊论文列举如下
[1] Zhu M., Wang G.*, Li S., Liu Y., Wang P., Guo L., Zhao L., Chen X., Song T., 2024. An overview of structures associated with bends of strike-slip faults: Focus on analogue and numerical models. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 167, 106983.
[2] Wang, G.*, Li, S.*, Suo, Y., Peng, G., Wang, P., Cheng, H., Liu, Z., Liu, Y., Bukhari, S.W.H., Liu, Z., Diao, Y., Zhan, H. and Zhu, M., 2023. Cenozoic source-to-sink driven by tectono-geomorphic evolution: A systematic detrital zircon U-Pb analysis in the central northern South China Sea. Earth-Science Reviews. 239: 104365.
[3] Zhan H, Wang G*, Peng G, Suo Y*, Wang P, Du X, Zhou J, Li S and Zhu D. Cenozoic evolution of the Yangjiang-Yitong’ansha fault zone in the northern South China Sea: Evidence from 3D seismic data. 2023. Frontier in Earth Science. 10:1070004.
[4] Wang, G.Z., Li, S.Z., Suo, Y.H., Zhang, X.Q., Zhang, Z., Wang, D.Y., Liu, Z., Liu, Y.M., Zhou, J., Wang, P.C., Guo, L.L., 2022. Deep-shallow coupling response of the Cenozoic Bohai Bay Basin to plate interactions around the Eurasian Plate. Gondwana Research. 102:180-199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2020.09.002
[5] Ju, Y.W. *, Wang, G.Z. *, Li, S.Z., Sun, Y., Suo, Y.H., Somerville, I.D., Li, W.Y., He, B.Z., Zheng, M.L., Yu, K.. 2022. Evolution mechanism and geodynamic-based classification of basins in the Earth system. Gondwana Research. 102:200-228. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2020.08.017.
[6] Wang, G.Z., Li, S.Z., Li, X.Y., Zhao, W.Z., Zhao, S.J., Suo, Y.H., Liu, X.G., Somerville, I.D., Liu, Y.M., Wang, Z.C., 2019. Destruction effect on Meso-Neoproterozoic oil-gas traps derived from Meso-Cenozoic deformation in the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2019.105427
[7] Wang, G.Z., Li, S.Z., Wu, Z.P., Suo, Y.H., Guo, L.L. and Wang, P.C., 2019. Early Paleogene strike-slip transition of the Tan-Lu Fault Zone across the southeast Bohai Bay Basin: Constraints from fault characteristics in its adjacent basins. Geological Journal, 54(2), 835-849.
[8] Pérez-Flores, P., Wang, G.Z., Mitchell, T.M., Meredith, P.G., Nara, Y., Sarkar, V. and Cembrano, J., 2017. The effect of offset on fracture permeability of rocks from the Southern Andes Volcanic Zone, Chile. Journal of Structural Geology, 104, 142-158.
[9] Wang, G.Z., Mitchell, T.M., Meredith, P.G., Nara, Y. and Wu, Z.P. 2016. Influence of gouge thickness and grain size on permeability of macro-fractured basalt. Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, 121(12), 8472-8487.
· 代表性会议论文列举如下
[1] Wang, G.Z., Li, S.Z., Hu, Y., Wu, Z.P., Xing, S., Zhao, W.R., A Promising Hybrid Strike-Slip Associated Structure for Hydrocarbon Accumulation: A Case Study on JZ27-6 Oil Bearing Structure in the Bohai Sea Area, East China, AAPG Annual Conference & Exhibition, San Antonio, United States, 2019.5.19-2019.5.22.
[2] Wang, G.Z., Wu, Z.P., The Cenozoic tail derived structures of transtensional faults in Bohai Sea, East China, EGU General Assembly Conference, Vienna Austria, 2017.4.23-2017.4.28.
[3] Wang, G.Z., Tom, M.M., Philip, M., Zhang, X.Q., Wu, Z.P. The influence of shear offset and gouge on permeability of macro-fractured basalt, AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Denver, United States, 2016.9.5-2016.9.11.
[4] Wang, G.Z., Tom, M.M., Philip, M., Zhang, X.Q., Wu, Z.P., The influence of gouge and pressure cycling on permeability of macro-fractured basalt, EGU General Assembly Conference, Vienna Austria, 2016.4.17-2016.4.22.
[5] Wang, G.Z., Wu, Z.P., Zhang, X.D., Tom M.M., The Cenozoic tectonic evolution and genetic mechanism of Liaodong Bay Depression, East China, Tectonic Studies Group Annual Meeting, United Kingdom, 2016.1.6-2016.1.8.
[6] Wang, G.Z., Tom, M.M., Philip, M, Pamela, P., Nara, Y., Influence of fracture fill on permeability in macro-fractured basalt, 11th EURO-conference on Rock Physics and Geomechanics, Lake District, United Kingdom, 2015.9.8-2015.9.13.
[7]Wang, G.Z., Li, W, Wu, Z.P., Hu, Y., Zhang, X.D., The Control Effect of Cenozoic Fault System to Its Internal Basin Structure in Bohai Sea Area (East China), AAPG Annual Conference & Exhibition, Houston, United States, 2014.4.5-2014.4.11.