


联系电话:0532-66786027 (地学院A204)
E-mail地址:yushengyao@ouc.edu.cn, yushengyao1981@163.com



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· 工作经历


· 现今学术兼职

国际SCI刊物Gondwana Research、Geological Journal、Island arc、Frontiers in Earth Science等专辑客座编辑

· 主要科研奖励

2023年 自然资源科学技术奖 青年科技奖
2023年 山东省优秀博士毕业论文指导教师
2022年 山东省自然科学奖二等奖(第一完成人)
2020年 山东省杰出青年基金
2020 年 中国海洋大学筑峰人才三层次
2019年 国家优秀青年科学基金
2018年 中国海洋大学天泰优秀人才奖
2017年 中国地质学会优秀论文奖
2016年 中国海洋大学青年英才一层次
2014年 中国地质调查成果奖 二等奖
2013年 中国地质调查局 第3批青年地质英才
2012年 《岩石矿物学杂志》优秀论文奖

· 主持的科研项目

2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“深俯冲陆壳折返深熔机制及其与同碰撞花岗岩的成因关系研究:以柴北缘超高压变质带为例”(42372247,2024-2027),项目负责人
4)国家优秀青年科学基金项目,“地壳深熔与大陆流变学”(41922018, 2020-2022),项目负责人
7)国家自然科学基金面上项目,“深熔作用、变形作用及UHP变质岩折返机制:以南阿尔金-柴北缘超高压变质带为例” (41572053,2016-2019),项目负责人
11)同位素地球化学国家重点实验室开放基金,“碰撞造山过程中的多重深熔作用” (SKLabIG-KF-16-02, 2017-2018),项目负责人
14)中国地质调查项目,“中央造山带西段早古生代洋陆格局及造山机制” (12120114078301,2014-2015),项目副负责人

· 国家发明专利

1) 于胜尧,国家发明专利“变质-深熔过程中成矿元素富集的定量模拟方法”,专利号: ZL202411514318.1,授权公告日:2024.12.27
2) 祈钰,于胜尧,李三忠,国家发明专利“一种钻取角度 可调的海洋深海岩石取样装置及方法”,专利号:ZL202211543662.4,授权公告日:2024.10.11
4) 于胜尧,彭银彪,王宏飞,吕沛,李云帅,国家实用新型发明专利“一种专探用提升垫叉”,专利号:ZL202022252252458.X, 授权公告日:2021.5.4
5) 于胜尧,李三忠,彭银彪,姚勇. 国家实用新型发明专利“一种适用不同直径岩芯的岩芯箱”,专利号:ZL201921078180.X,授权公告日:2020.03.10
6) 于胜尧,李三忠,彭银彪,姚勇. 国家实用新型发明专利“防进沙土的地质体线理产状测量模块地质罗盘” 专利号:ZL201921078366.5,授权公告日:2019.12.24


· 学科方向


· 近期研究兴趣



· 论文收录情况


· 代表性SCI论文(第一/通讯作者)

[63] Yu Qi, Shengyao Yu*, Xiangyu Gao, Jianxin Zhang, Chuanzhi Li, Yinbiao Peng, Xiaocong Jiang, Lintao Wang, Sanzhong Li, Yongjiang Liu. 2025. Simulation of melt/fluid metasomatism and magma recharge and mixing processes in subduction zones: Evidence from the cognate gabbro and gabbroic diorite in the North Qilian orogen (Northwest China). Geological Society of America Bulletin, doi.org.0000-0001-8623-6863(学生一作)
[62] Pei Lv, Shengyao Yu*. Yinbiao Peng, Lu Yin, Bei Xu, Yongjiang Liu, Sanzhong Li, Xiangyu Gao, Xingzhou Jiang, Chuanzhi Li.2025. Petrogenesis of late Paleoproterozoic I- and A-type granitoids in the southwestern Tarim Craton, NW China: Implications for post-collisional magmatism and tectonic evolution. Precambrian Research 418, 107698 (学生一作)
[61] Lintao Wang, Shengyao Yu*, Dongyong Li, Guozheng Sun, Chuanzhi Li, Yinbiao Peng, Xiaocong Jiang, Xingzhou Jiang, Long Chen, Xiaohui Li, Yongjiang Liu, Sanzhong Li. 2024. The influence of peritectic garnets on magnesium isotopic composition during crustal anatexis: Constraints from TTG-like leucosomes from the North Qaidam orogen, China. Chemical Geology 652, 121995(学生一作)
[60] Lintao Wang, Shengyao Yu*, Guozheng Sun, Pei Lv, Yinbiao Peng, Xingzhou Jiang, Liming Dai, Yongjiang Liu, Sanzhong Li. 2024. Neoarchaean DTTGs from the Dunhuang Block, Tarim Craton: insights into petrogenesis and crust–mantle interactions. International Geology Review, 66:10,1910-1928(学生一作)
[59] Yinbiao Peng, Shengyao Yu*, Sanzhong Li, Yongjiang Liu, Pei Lv, Chuanzhi Li, Liming Dai, Yunshuai Li, Xingyu Gao, Xingzhou Jiang, Wentao Ji. 2023. Diachronous subduction, closure of the Proto-Tethys Ocean, and collisional accretion of microcontinents: Insights from the early Paleozoic intermediate-mafic rocks in the Amdo microcontinent of the Tibetan Plateau. Geological Society of America Bulletin 135 (11-12), 2987-3004 (学生一作)
[58] Xiangyu Gao, Shengyao Yu*, Sanzhong Li, Yongjiang Liu, Wentao Ji, Xingzhou Jiang, Pei Lv, Biaoyin Peng. 2023. Consecutive underplating of cognate magmas: Contributions to the enclaves and large-volume plagiogranites in the North Qaidam orogen (NW China). Lithos, 107085(学生一作)
[57] Yinbiao Peng, Shengyao Yu*, Sanzhong Li, Yongjiang Liu, Santosh, M, Pei Lv, Yunshuai Li, Chuanzhi Li, Yiming Liu. 2022. Tectonics erosion and deep subduction in Central Tibet: Evidence from the discovery of retrograde eclogites in the Amdo microcontinent. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 40, 1545-1572 (学生一作)
[56] Xiangyu Gao, Shengyao Yu*, Sanzhong Li, M. Santosh, Yongjiang Liu, Xingzhou Jiang, Yinbiao Peng, Shaowei Zhao, Pei Lv. 2022. Syn-collisional I-type granitoids linked to lateral lithosphereic heterogeneity: A case study from the North Qaidam orogeny, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 237, 105363 (学生一作)
[55] Lv Pei, Yu Shengyao*, Peng Yinbiao, Li Sanzhong, Liu Yongjiang, Wang Chuanyu, Sun Deyou, Jiang Xingzhou, Gao Xiangyu, Ji Wentao, Li Chuanzhi. 2022. The newly discovered ca. 1.35 Ga metamafic rocks in the Oulongbuluke Block, NW China, and its record for transition from the Columbia to Rodinia supercontinent. Geolgoical Society of America Bulletin 134, 2667-2679 (学生一作)
[54] Yinbiao Peng, Shengyao Yu*, Zhiqing Lai, Sanzhong Li, Yongjiang Liu, Chuanzhi Liu, Lili Qi, Zhenzhu Jian. 2022. Newly recognized retrograde eclogites overprinted by high-pressure metamorphism in the Amdo microcontinent Central Tibet: Implications for subduction erosion during continental subduction. Geological Journal 57, 4110-4121 (学生一作)
[53] Lv Pei, Yu Shengyao*, Peng Yinbiao, Wang Chunyu, Li Sanzhong, Liu Yongjiang, Gao Xiangyu, Sun Deyou, Jiang Xingzhou, Ji Wentao, Li Chuanzhi, Wang Lintao, Qiyu. 2022. A plume broke up Columbia supercontinent: Evidence from the Mesoproterozoic metamafic rocks in the Tarim Craton, NW China. Precambrian Research 377, 106719 (学生一作)
[52] Ji Wentao, Yu Shengyao*, Yue Yue, Peng Yinbiao, Gao Xiangyu, Lv Pei, Li Chuanzhi, Jiang Xingzhou, Wang Lintao, Qi Yu. 2022. Multi-phase Paleozoic magmatism in the North Qaidam ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic units, NW China: implications for transition from continental collision to extensional collapse. International Geology Review. doi. org/10.1080/00206814.2022.2051085 (学生一作)
[51] Jiang Xingzhou, Yu Shengyao*, Liu Yongjiang, Li Sanzhong, Lv Pei, Peng Yinbiao, Gao Xiangyu, Ji Wentao, Li Chuanzhi, Xie Weiming. 2022. Episodic metamorphism and anataxis within the Khondakite Belt, North China Craton: Constraint from Late- Paleoproterozoic fluid-fluxed melting of the Daqingshan Complex. Precambrian Research 369, 106504 (学生一作)
[50] Yinbiao Peng, Shengyao Yu*, Jianxin Zhang, Yunshuai Li, Sanzhong Li, Pei Lv. 2021. Building a continental arc section: Constraints from Paleozoic granulite-facies metamorphism, anatexis and magmatism in the northern margin of the Qilian Block, northern Tibet Plateau. Geological Society of America Bulletin 134,1301-1318(学生一作)
[49] Shengyao Yu*, Yinbiao Peng, Jianxin Zhang, Sanzhong Li. et al., 2021. Tectono-thermal evolution of the Qilian orogenic system: Tracing the subduction, accretion and closure of the Proto-Tethys Ocean. Earth-Science Reviews 215, 103547.
[48] Pei Lv, Shengyao Yu*, Yinbiao Peng, Jian Zhang, Sanzhong Li, Yongjiang Liu, Deyou Sun, Xingzhou Jiang, Xiangyu Gao, Wentao Ji, Chuanzhi Li. 2021. Paleo-Mesoproterozoic magmatism in the Tarim Craton, NW China: Implications for episodic extension to initial breakup of the Columbia supercontinent. Precambrian Research 363, 106337(学生一作)
[47] Gao Xiangyu, Yu Shengyao*, Peng Yinbiao, Lv Pei, Wang Meng, Liu Yongjiang, Li Sanzhong, Jiang Xingzhou, Ji Wentao. 2021. Insights into OIB-like magmatism contemporaneous with oceanic subduction: petrogenetic constraints on the Kendelong metagabbro in the North Qaidam. Lithos 392-393, 106130(学生一作)
[46] Chunyu Wang, Shengyao Yu*, Deyou Sun*, Pei Lv, Zhao Feng, Guan Wang, Jun Gou. 2021. Mesoproterozoic tectonic-thermal events in the Oulongbuluke Block, NW China: Constraints on the transition from supercontinent Columbia to Rodinia. Precambrian Research 352, 106010(学生一作)
[45] Weiming Xie, Yinbiao Peng, Pei Lv, Xiangyu Gao, Shengyao Yu*. 2021. Mesozoic multiple magmatic events in Bangor area: Constraints on the tectonic evolution of Bangong–Nujiang Tethys Ocean. Geological Journal 56(9), 4557–4593(学生一作)
[44] Boran Liu, Xilin Zhao⁎, Shengyao Yu*, Yang Jiang, Jianren Mao, Mincheng Xu, and Zilong Li. 2021. Late Mesozoic Paleo-Pacific Plate “scissors-like” subduction: Insight from the magmatism in the Gan-Hang Belt, Southeast China. Geological Society of America Bulletin 133(5-6), 1039-1056(学生一作)
[43] Yinbiao Peng, Shengyao Yu*, Sanzhong Li, Yongjiang Liu, M. Santosh, Pei Lv, Yunshuai Li, Weiming Xie, Yiming Liu. 2020. The odyssey of Tibetan Plateau accretion prior to Cenozoic India-Asia collision: Probing the Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the Bangong-Nujiang Suture. Earth-Science Reviews 211, 103376(学生一作)
[42] Pei Lv, Shengyao Yu*, Yinbiao Peng, Jian Zhang, Weiming Xie, Xingzhou Jiang ,Xiangyu Gao, Wentao Ji, Sanzhong Li, Yongjiang Liu. 2020. Paleoproterozoic multiple magmatic-metamorphic events in the Dunhuang Block, eastern Tarim Craton: Implications for assembly of the Columbia supercontinent. Precambrian Research 351, 105949(学生一作)
[41] Yunshuai Li, Jianxin Zhang*, Shengyao Yu*, Yanguang Li, Hu Guo, Jian Zhang, Changlei Fu, Hui Cao, Mengqi Jin, and Zhihui Cai. 2020. Petrological, geochronological, and geochemical potential accounting for continental subduction and exhumation: A case study of felsic granulites from South Altyn Tagh, northwestern China. Geological Society of America Bulletin 132, 2611-2630
[40] Zhengyi Wang, Xilin Zhao, Shengyao Yu*, Sanzhong Li, Yinbiao Peng, Yongjiang Liu. Cretaceous granitic intrusions in Fujian Province, Cathaysia Block: Implications for slab rollback and break-off of the Paleo-Pacific plate. 2020. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 190, 104164(学生一作)
[39] Yinbiao Peng, Shengyao Yu*, Sanzhong Li, Yongjiang Liu, Liming Dai, Pei Lv, Runhua Guo, Yiming Liu, Yuhua Wang, Weimin Xie. Early Jurassic and Late Cretaceous granites in the Tongka micro-block, central Tibet: Implications for the evolution of the Bangong-Nujiang ocean. 2020. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 194, 104030(学生一作)
[38] Zhuofan Li, Yinbiao Peng, Shegnyao Yu*, Yang Li*, Yong Yao, Xudong Zhao, Xiangyu Gao. Subduction and exhumation of Luliangshan eclogite in the North Qaidam, northern Tibet: Constraints from petrology, geochemistry and phase equilibrium modeling. 2020. Geological Journal 55, 6580-6605(学生一作)
[37] Yunshuai Li, Liangjia Xu, Shengyao Yu*, Jianxin Zhang, Jing Guo, Yinbiao Peng, Guisheng Zhou. Partial melting of thickened lower crust in post‐collisional setting: Evidence from high silicon adakitic granites in the North Qilian orogeny.2020. Geological Journal 55, 3990-4007
[36] Min Lin, Shengyao Yu*, Changqian Ma, Xilin Zhao*, Yujuan Li, Zhong Yang, Feng Wang. Characteristics of the Hailesitai volcanic province, Inner Mongolia, and inferred magma source and tectonic setting. 2020. Geological Journal 55, 6841-6859
[35] Yu Shengyao*, Li Sanzhong, Zhang Jianxin, Peng Yinbiao, Somerville Ian, Liu Yongjiang, Wang Zhengyi, Li Zhuofan, Yao Yong, Li Yan. 2019. Multistage anatexis during tectonic evolution from oceanic subduction to continental collision: A review of the North Qaidam UHP Belt, NW China. Earth-Science Reviews 191, 190-211.
[34] Shengyao Yu*, Jianxin Zhang, Sanzhong Li , M. Santosh, Yunshuai Li, Yongjiang Liu, Xiyao Li, Yinbiao Peng, Zhengyi Wang, Deyou Sun. 2019. TTG-Adakitic-Like (Tonalitic-Trondhjemitic) Magmas Resulting From Partial Melting of Metagabbro under High-Pressure Condition during Continental Collision in the North Qaidam UHP Terrane, Western China. Tectonics 38(3), 791-822
[33] Yu Shengyao*, Li Sanzhong, Zhang Jianxin, Sun Deyou, Peng Yinbiao. 2019. Linking high pressure mafic granulite, TTG-like (tonalitic-trondhjemitic) leucosome and pluton, and crustal growth during continental collision. Geological Society of America Bulletin 131(3-4), 572-586
[32] Yu Shengyao*, Li Sanzhong, Zhang Jianxin, Liu Yongjiang, Peng Yinbiao, Li Yunshuai. 2019. Grenvillian orogeny in the Oulongbuluke Block, NW China: Constraints from an ∼1.1 Ga Andean-type arc magmatism and metamorphism. Precambrian Research 320, 424-437.
[31] Peng Yinbiao, Yu Shengyao*, Li Sanzhong, Zhang Jianxin, Liu Yongjiang, Li Yunshuai, Santosh. Early Neoproterozoic magmatic imprints in the Altun-Qilian-Kunlun region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Response to the assembly and breakup of Rodinia supercontinent. Earth-Science Reviews 199, 102954(学生一作)
[30] Jing Yang, Zhao Xilin*, Yu Shengyao*, Xing Guangfu, Yang Zhuliang. 2019. Geochemical and zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopic study of Early Cretaceous A-type rhyolites in Hong Kong: Implications for Palaeo-Pacific Plate subduction. Geological Journal 54, 862-878
[29]于胜尧*,张建新,李三忠,彭银彪,李云帅,吕沛,姚勇,李卓凡. 2019. 柴北缘超高压地体折返过程中地壳深熔的岩石学研究. 岩石学报 35(10), 3130-3140. SCI
[28] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin, Li Sanzhong, Sun Deyou. 2018. Continuity of the North Qilian and North Altun orogenic belts of NW China: evidence from newly discovered Paleozoic low-Mg and high-Mg adaktic rocks. Geological Magazine. 155(8), 1684-1704
[27] Cai Zhihui, Xu Zhiqin, Yu Shengyao*, He Bizhu. 2018. Neoarchean magmatism and implilcations for crustal growth and evolution of the Kuluketage region, northeastern Tarim Craton. Precambrian Research 304, 156-170
[26] Li Yunshuai*, Zhang Jianxin*, Mostofa, Khan M.G., Wang Yuebo, Yu Shengyao*, Cai Zhihui, Li Pengfei. 2018. Petrogenesis of carbonatites in the Luliangshan region, North Qaidam, north Tibet, China: Evidence for recycling of sedimentary carbonate and mantle metasomatism within a subduction zone. Lithos 322, 148-165.
[25] Zhao Xilin, Jiang Yang*, Yu Shengyao*, Xing Guangfu. 2018. Geochemical, zircon U-Pb-Hf, and whole-rock Sr–Nd isotopic study of Late Jurassic Sanming A-type granite in the Wuyi area, Fujian province, Southeast China. Geological Journal 53, 2204-2218
[24] Zhao Xilin, Yu Shengyao*, Jiangyang, Mao Jianren, Yu Minggang. 2019. Petrogenesis of two stages Cretaceous granites in southwest Fujian Province: implications for the tectonic transition of southeast China. Geological Journal. 54: 221-244
[23] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin,Li Sanzhong. 2017. Late Paleoproterozoic granulite-facies metamorphism and anatexis in the Oulongbuluke block: NW China: Response to the assembly of the Columbia supercontinent. Precambrian Research 291, 42-62.
[22] Yu Shengyao*, Li Sanzhong, Zhang Jianxin, Sun Deyou. 2017. Adakitic Rocks Resulting from Partial melting of Metabasite at High-Pressure Granulite-Facies Condition during Continental Collision. Acta Geologica Sinica 91 (3), 1157-1158
[21] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin, Li Sanzhong, Peng Yinbiao. 2017. Anatexis, Deformation and Exhumation Mechanism for UHP Metamorphic Rocks: A Case Study in the North Qaidam and South Altyn UHP terrane, Western China. Acta Geologica Sinica 91 (1), 361-362
[20] Zhao Xilin, Yu Shengyao*, Mao Jianren, Yu Minggang, Jiangyang, Chen Zhihong. 2017. Compression between microcontinents in the Cathaysian Block during the early Yanshanian: petrogenesis of the Tangquan pluton in Southwest Fujian Province, Southeast China. Geological Journal 52, 970-991
[19] Peng Yinbiao, Yu Shengyao *[
], Zhang Jianxin, Li Sanzhong , Tong Laixi, Sun Deyou. 2017. Early Paleozoic arc magmatism and metamorphism in the northern Qilian Block, western China: petrological and geochronological constraints. Geological Journal. 52, 339-364(学生一作)
[18] Guo Jing, Luo Zhaohua*, Yu Shengyao*, Santosh M, Li Yunshuai. 2017. Dike distribution density: Method for quantitative mine targets prediction in the South Alatao Mountains area, NW China. Geological Journal 53, 1295-1307.
[17] 彭银彪,于胜尧*,张建新,李三忠,孙德有,仝来喜. 2017. 北祁连地区早古生代弧岩浆作用及变质作用事件:以门源-柯柯里为例. 岩石学报 33(12), 3925-3941(学生一作)
[16] 于胜尧*,张建新,李三忠,孙德有,李云帅,彭银彪. 2016. 大陆碰撞过程中的巴罗式变质作用及原地深熔作用:以南阿尔金为例. 岩石学报,32(12): 3703-3714.
[15] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin, Sun Deyou, Li Yunshuai, Gong Jianghua. 2015. Anatexis of UHP eclogite during exhumation in the North Qaidam UHP terrane: Constraints from petrology, zircon U-Pb dating and geochemistry. Geological Society of America Bulletin 127, 1290-1312.
[14] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin*, Sun Deyou, Pablo García del Real, Li Yunshuai, Zhao Xilin, Hou Kejun. 2015. Petrology, geochemistry, zircon U-Pb dating and Lu-Hf isotope of granitic leucosomes within felsic gneiss from the North Qaidam UHP terrane: constraints on the timing and nature of partial melting. Lithos 218-219, 1-21.
[13] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin, Qin Haipeng, Sun Deyou, Zhao Xilin*, Cong Feng*, Li Yunshuai. 2015. Petrogenesis of the early Paleozoic low-Mg and high-Mg adakitic rocks in the North Qilian orogenic belt, NW China: Implications for transition from crustal thickending to extension thinning. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 107, 122-139.
[12] Xilin Zhao, Kai Liu, Minggang Yu, Yang Jiang, Jianren Mao, Xiaohua Zhou, Shengyao Yu*. 2015. Early Cretaceous I-type granites in southwest Fujian Province: new constraints on the late Mesozoic tectonic evolution of southeast China. Island Arc 24(3), 359–378
[11] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin, Mattinson CG. 2014. Paleozoic HP granulite-facies metamorphism and anatexis in Dulan area of the North Qaidam UHP terrane, western China: evidence from petrology, U-Pb and Ar-Ar geochronology. Lithos 198, 58-76.
[10] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin, Zhao Xilin. 2014. Geochronology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the late Paleoproterozoic A-type granite from the Dunhuang block: implications for the break-up of Columbia supercontinent. Geological Magazine 151, 629-648.
[9] 于胜尧*,张建新,孙德有,宫江华,李云帅. 2014. 柴北缘大陆深俯冲版片折返过程中的深熔作用研究. 岩石学报,30(8):2287-2296.
[8] Yu Shengyao, Zhang Jianxin*, Li Huaikun, Hou Kejun, Mattinson C G, Gong Jianghua. 2013. Geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotopic composition of eclogites and their host gneisses in the Dulan area, North Qaidam UHP terrane: New evidence for deep continental subduction. Gondwana Research 23(3), 901-919.
[7] Yu Shengyao*, Zhang Jianxin*, Pablo García del Real, Xilin Zhao, Kejun Hou, Jianghua Gong. 2013. The Grenvillian orogeny in the Altun-Qilian-North Qaidam mountain belts of northern Tibet Plateau: constraints from geochemical and zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotopic study of magmatic rocks. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 73, 372-395.
[6] 于胜尧*,张建新,宫江华,李云帅. 2013. 高压麻粒岩相变质作用及深熔作用:以柴北缘都兰地区为例. 岩石学报. 29(6), 2061-2072.
[5] Yu Shengyao, Zhang Jianxin*, Pablo García Del Real. 2012. Geochemistry and zircon U–Pb ages of adakitic rocks from the Dulan area of the North Qaidam UHP terrane, north Tibet: Constraints on the timing and nature of regional tectonothermal events. Gondwana Research 21(1): 167-179.
[4] Yu Shengyao, Zhang Jianxin* and Pablo García Del Real. 2011. Petrology and P-T path of high-pressure granulite from the Dulan area, North Qaidam Mountains, northwestern China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 42: 641-660.
[3] 于胜尧, 张建新*, 侯可军. 2011. 柴北缘都兰UHP 地体中两期不同性质的岩浆活动: 对碰撞造山作用的启示. 岩石学报, 27 (11): 3335-3349.
[2] 于胜尧, 张建新*. 2010. 柴北缘都兰地区片麻岩的起源及形成时代: 锆石U-Pb 年代学、REE 和Hf 同位素的证据. 岩石学报, 26(7): 2083-2098.
[1] 于胜尧, 张建新*, 李金平. 2009. 柴北缘都兰高压麻粒岩的变质演化及形成的动力学背景. 岩石学报, 25 (9): 2224-2234.