
· 学习经历
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《Terra Nova》reviewer
《Journal of Asian Earth Sciences》reviewer
中国地球物理学会, 会员
· 国家级出版社出版的重要专著
12)国际合作项目(美国家自然科学基金项目),Lithosphere Structure across the Altun Range(NSF-EAR-9706338 and 9996212,1997-2001),中方负责人
13)国际合作项目(美国国家航空和宇宙航行局项目),Fracture Zone-Hot Spot Interactions along Northern Margin of Tibet(NASA NAG5-8456,1998-2002),中方负责人
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· 论文收录情况
· 代表性文章列举如下
1.Jiang, X. D., Li, Z.-X., Li, C. Y., Gong, W., 2019. A Gravity Study of the Longmenshan Fault Zone: New Insights Into the Nature and Evolution of the Fault Zone and Extrusion‐Style Growth of the Tibetan Plateau Since 40 Ma, Tectonics, 38, 176-189.
2.Jiang, X. D., Li, Z.-X., 2014. Seismic reflection data support episodic and simultaneous growth of the Tibetan Plateau since 25 Myr,Nature Communications, 5:5453 doi: 10.1038/ncomms6453.
3.Jiang, X. D., Li, Z.-X., Li, H. B., 2013. Uplift of the West Kunlun Range, northern Tibetan Plateau, dominated by brittle thickening of the upper crust, Geology, 41, 4, 439-442.
4.Jiang, X. D., 2014. Dynamic support of the Tien Shan lithosphere based on flexural and rheological modeling,Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 93, 37-48.
5.Jin, Y., Wang, E., and Jiang, X. D., 2008. The dynamic support and decoupling process of the Tibetan lithosphere based on the integration of flexural modeling with other geological and geophysical studies, Geological Society of America, Special Paper, 444, 89-104, doi:10.1130/2008.2444(06).
6.Jiang, X. D., Jin, Y., 2005. Mapping the deep lithospheric structure beneath the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau from gravity anomalies, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, B07407.
7.Jiang, X. D., Jin, Y., McNutt, M. K., 2004. Lithospheric deformation beneath the AltynTagh and West Kunlun faults from recent gravity surveys, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, B05406.
8.Gong, W., Jiang, X. D., Xing, J. H., Xu, C., Xu, X. Y., 2019. Heterogeneous strain regime at the west of the Ogasawara Plateau in the Western Pacific Ocean from inversion of earthquake focal mechanisms, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 180, 103868.
9.Gong, W., Jiang, X. D., Zhou, H. T., Xing, J. H., Li, C. Y., Yang, K., 2018. Varied thermo-rheological structure, mechanical anisotropy and lithospheric deformation of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 163, 108-130.
10.Li, C. Y., Jiang, X. D., Gong, W., Li, D. Y., Li, C. Y., 2018. Surface uplift of the Central Yunnan Plateau since the Pliocene, Geological Journal, 53, 1, 386-396.
11.Gong, W., Jiang, X. D., Guo, Y. F., Xing, J. H., Li, C. Y., Sun, Y., 2017. Strike-slip tectonics within the northernmost Philippine Sea plate in an arc-continent collisional setting, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 146, 265-278.
12.Xing, J. H., Jiang, X. D., Li, D. Y., 2016. Seismic study of the mud diapir structures in the Okinawa Trough, Geological Journal, 51, S1, 203-208.
13.Li, D. Y., Jiang, X. D., Xu, F., Liu, J. S., Hou, G. W., 2016. Geochemistry of the Paleocene Clastic Rocks in Lishui Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin: Implications for Tectonic Background and Provenance, Acta Geologica Sinica, 90, 1, 166-181.
14.Gong, W., Xing, J. H., Jiang, X. D., 2018. Heterogeneous subduction structure within the Pacific plate beneath the Izu-Bonin arc, Journal of Geodynamics, 116, 1-12.
15.Li, D. Y., Dong, B. J., Jiang, X. D., Xing, J. H., 2016. Geochemical evidence for provenance and tectonic background from the Palaeogene sedimentary rocks of the East China Sea Shelf Basin, Geological Journal, 51, S1,209-228.
16.Jiang, X. D. and Jin, Y., 2012. The Rheological Structure of the East Tibetan Plateau, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-1728.
17.Jiang, X. D. and Jin, Y., 2012. The foreland basin geometry along Longmen Range from high resolution Gravity data and its tectonic implication, EOS, Trans. AGU, 93(51), Fall Meeting Suppl., abstract, T33E-2696.
18.Jiang, X. D.,2012. Tectonic evolution of the East China Sea shelf since Cretaceous, AOGS-AGU (WPGM), SE54-A002.
19.Jiang, X. D., Partitioning the uplifting mechanism of the Tibetan plateau from the east to the west, 16th SEISMIX International Symposium on Multi-scale Seismic Imaging of the Earth's crust and Upper Mantle, P21.
20.Jiang, X. D., Can the satellite gravity replace the gravity survey to delineate lithospheric structure? 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG).
21.Zhang, H. X., He, B. S., Jiang, X. D., 2010. Hydrocarbon detection principle and its application based on Biot’sporoelastic theory, Second IITA International Conference on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
22.Li, D. Y., Jiang, X. D., Dong, B. J., 2015. Seismic Velocity Prediction Based on Petrophysical model and Application in Tight Gas Reservoir of the Xihu Depression, East China Sea Shelf Basin, 3rd International Workshop on Rock Physics.
23.Gong, W., Jiang, X. D., 2015. Tectonic implications of the temperature-time path of the rocks in the central segment of the Red River shear zone, 3rd International Workshop on Rock Physics.
24.Jiang, X. D., 2004. Lithospheric deformation in Central Asia derived from gravity data, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Hamburg.
25.Jiang, X. D., McNutt, M. K., Jin, Y., Wong, H. K., Zhao, L. H., 2001. Mapping the upper mantle lithospheric structures of China with gravity data, EOS, Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meeting Suppl., abstract, T12F-12.
26.Jiang, X. D., Jin, Y., 2000. A new model of lithospheric deformation beneath the Okinawa Trough from gravity data analysis, 2000 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, abstract, 83.
27.Jin, Y., Garzione, C., Jiang, X. D., 2002. Tectonic evolution in the North China Basin, EOS, Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meeting Suppl., abstract,T52A-1180.
28.姜效典,李德勇,宫伟,秘从勇. 2014. 青藏高原东西向差异形变与隆升机制,地球物理学报,57, 12, 4016-4028, doi:10.6038/cjg20141214.
29.宫伟,姜效典. 2017. 哀牢山-红河断裂带哀牢山-大象山段渐新世-早中新世热史演化及成因,地球科学, 42,2, 223-239.
30.宫伟,李朝阳,姜效典. 2017. 青藏高原隆升与南海开启:南海西北部盆-山耦合体系,地学前缘, 24,4,268-283.
31.周海廷,姜效典,李德勇,邢军辉,宫伟. 2017. 东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷岩石圈热流变性质,大地构造与成矿学,41, 3, 481-490.
32.程永寿,姜效典,张富元. 2015. 西太平洋拉蒙特平顶海山富钴结壳矿区圈定与资源量估算, 海洋学报,37, 1, 106-114.
33.王燚, 姜效典. 2014. 地球重力场球冠谐模型的分层构造和分析, 大地测量与地球动力学, 34, 5, 30-39.
34.李德勇, 张金亮, 姜效典, 江志强. 2013. 高邮凹陷南坡真武-曹庄地区戴南组砂岩成岩作用及其对储层性质的影响, 地球科学—中国地质大学学报, 38, 1, 130-142.
35.张会星, 何兵寿, 姜效典, 张锦昌. 2010.利用地震波在双相介质中的衰减特性检测油气, 石油地球物理勘探, 45, 3, 343-349.